On 1 July, Dr. Béla Merkely begins his second five-year term as Rector, inaugurated in a ceremony that recalls the traditions of the university. At the Semmelweis Salon event, the original chain of office, conferred in 1819, was presented to Dr. Béla Merkely by Dr. Ferenc Bánhidy, Vice-Rector for General Affairs, who received his credentials from the President of the Republic of Hungary on 9 May 2023.

Semmelweis University is proud of the fact that tradition and innovation are both present in the institution’s life, hence for the second time, the newly elected Rector will take office in a ceremony reminiscent of the traditions of its predecessor, the University of Pest. The inauguration of new leaders and the resignation of old ones took place in a festive atmosphere in the University of Pest, they said at the event held in the Semmelweis Salon.

In his welcoming speech, Dr. Ferenc Bánhidy, Vice-Rector for General Affairs emphasized that with a tradition of more than 250 years, Semmelweis University is a historical trademark and brand name that commits all its citizens to the highest quality of education, scientific excellence and healing service. „As Semmelweis Citizens, however, it is our duty not only to preserve our traditions, the heritage and values of our predecessors, but also to enrich them,” he added. „The rector is responsible and custodian of this, which is why he works as the head of the university,” Dr. Ferenc Bánhidy pointed out. He reminded that the Senate of Semmelweis University once again voted in favour of Dr. Béla Merkely, who will start his second term as Rector. He explained that although the institution had to face several unexpected difficulties in the past, such as the coronavirus epidemic, which put all health systems in the world to the test, Semmelweis University nevertheless moved forward true to its traditions: not only was it at the forefront of the fight against infection, but also continued his teaching and patient care activities. Moreover, according to the rankings, it is now among the top 250 universities in the world.

Dr. Béla Merkely’s rectorial candidature focuses on the triple mission of education, research-innovation and patient care. “The application, which has won the confidence of the senators, promises to further strengthen our international position and to make cooperation between faculties and departments even more effective. A university that everyone considers home, be it Hungarian or foreign Semmelweis Citizens, students, lecturers, medical staff, doctors, researchers or emeritus professors. An inspiring intellectual environment that not only contributes to the development of the individual’s professional and scientific goals, but also benefits the whole country, the entire medical and scientific world, from the results achieved here”, concluded the Vice-Rector.

Afterwards, Dr. Ferenc Bánhidy handed over the original chain of office, donated to the predecessor, the University of Pest by King Francis I. in 1819, to Rector Dr. Béla Merkely.

In his rector’s oath, with his hand on the university sceptre, Dr. Béla Merkely vowed that during his rectorial term he would always be loyal to Hungary, the Hungarian nation, the intellectual heritage of Ignác Semmelweis, Semmelweis University, its mission and its citizens. During his service, he will act conscientiously and in accordance with the will and mandate of the Senate that elected him, and he will make every effort to enhance the reputation and promote the development of Semmelweis University.

I, Dr. Béla Péter Merkely, Rector of Semmelweis University, pledge that in the performance of my duties as Rector, I will always be loyal to my country, to Hungary, to the Hungarian nation, to the intellectual heritage of Ignác Semmelweis, to Semmelweis University, to its mission and to its citizens. I will adhere to the law and make those involved comply with it. I will keep the secrets that come to my knowledge. In my service, I will act conscientiously and in accordance with the will and mandate of the Senate that elected me, and I will make every effort to enhance the reputation and promote the development of Semmelweis University. I will use my knowledge to preserve the values and traditions of the university and to promote the well-being of our students and staff, the University Citizens. I will improve the educational, research and innovation performance of Semmelweis University, strengthen the quality of patient-centred education and clinical care, and support its development at all times.

I strengthen the commitment of our foreign students to our profession and our country. I accept that the robe and chain of office I now wear, the university scepter I hold, is a symbol of Semmelweis University, a symbol of humility in education, research, innovation and patient care, which I will serve at all times. So help me God!

Dr. Béla Merkely was elected by the Senate of Semmelweis University as a candidate for Rector at its meeting on 26 January 2023. He received his credentials from the President of the Republic of Hungary on 9 May 2023, and will begin his second five-year term on 1 July.



Pálma Dobozi
Translation: Viktória Kiss
Photo: Attila Kovács, Bálint Barta – Semmelweis University