The 2022 edition of the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) has been published, as well as the latest list of disciplines by ShanghaiRanking. The ARWU Global University Rankings, published annually since 2003, include more than 2,500 higher education institutions from around the world, with the top 1,000 ranked.
Despite a methodology that does not favour universities, Semmelweis University has moved up from a position of 701-800 (last year) to the top 700 this year. This makes it the best-ranked Hungarian university, tied with Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). The University of Szeged is ranked 701-800 and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics 901-1000. Harvard University, Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are the top three.
ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects ranks institutions in 54 disciplinary fields within five main areas (Natural Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences). In the 2022 edition, Semmelweis University has made it into the top 300 in Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. It is also ranked in the top 300 in Clinical Medicine and Dentistry & Oral Sciences, while in Medical Technology it is ranked 301-400. Semmelweis is the top-ranked Hungarian university in these subject areas. In Biological Sciences and Human Biological Sciences, the institution is ranked between 401-500.
Ádám Szabó, translation by Rita Kónya
Photo: Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University (illustration)