On the occasion of the Hungarian Higher Education Day dr. László Palkovics (Minister for Innovation and Technology) presented state recognitions for 10 healthcare professionals of Semmelweis University. Among the awardees are: dr. Éva Sághy, dr. Éva Szabó, dr. László Köles, dr. József Kovács, dr. Andrea Zsebe, dr. Tibor Zelles, dr. Ákos Koller, dr. Mária Sasvári, dr. Katalin Ilona Tátrai-Németh and dr. Miklós Zrínyi.

The prestigious awards were given in recognition of their efforts and hard work in their own field of their expertise. Dr. József Bódis (State Minister for Higher Education) and dr. Balázs Hankó presented the recognitions at the special event organized on 15 November.

Dr. Éva Sághy (assistant professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy) was awarded a minister’s certificate of merit in recognition for her exemplary and outstanding career and productive scientific activities.

Dr. Éva Szabó (vice-rector for strategy and development, Director of the Center for Conductive Pedagogy) received an Apáczai Csere János award in recognition of her outstanding work and efforts in the field of education and special education, as well as for her exceptional scientific activities supporting pedagogy. Dr. László Köles also received an Apáczai award for his excellent professional work and efforts at the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy.

Dr. József Kovács (professor of the Institute of Behavioral Sciences), dr. Zsebe Andrea (dean of the Pető András Faculty) received Trefort Ágoston awards. This award is given to higher education professionals for their outstanding service for Hungarian education. Dr. Tibor Zelles also received a Trefort award recognizing his professional work and efforts in the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy. Since July, Dr. Zelles has been working at the Department of Oralbiology.


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Dr. Mária Sasvári (professor emerita of the Department of Molecular Biology) and dr. Ákos Koller (professor of the Institute of Translational Medicine) were recognized with the Szent-Györgyi Albert award in recognition of their outstanding work in the field of education, research and pedagogy as well as for their higher educational efforts and activities of high international reputation.

Dr. Katalin Ilona Tátrai-Németh (college professor of Department of Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences) and dr. Miklós Zrínyi (professor emeritus of the Department of Biophysics and Radiation Biology) were recognized with the Eötvös József award, which is given as a token of recognition of a life-long commitment to professional education.

Pálma Dobozi
Photos and source: Ministry for Innovation and Technology

Translation: Norbert Lukács