“Nursing is a sacred and pure vocation, as it eases the pain of the sufferer, gives relief to the dying and life to the healing, but only philanthropy can make it sacred and pure.”

Florence Nightingale

Dear Nursing Colleagues,

The most beautiful and sacred vocation is helping others and caring for the sick and those in need. Always, anytime, anywhere, even among the most trying circumstances. Vocation can be interpreted in many ways. If we stick to the objective definition of lexicons, the following expressions are listed: purpose of life, duty, task entrusted to someone by the Creator.

It has never been a question, whether you have chosen a true vocation. The past few months have been proof of your dedication and perseverance even in the most difficult situations while doing your job at the highest professional level.

Today is the day to celebrate you and thank you for your work. You are celebrated and loved by your patients, the relatives of your patients, your co-workers. May God bless you, nurses of Semmelweis University today and every day of the year as you have chosen a vocation that deserves gratitude every day!

Dr. Béla Merkely Rector,
Dr. Attila Szabó, Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs, head of the Clinical Center