Semmelweis University Foundation spent the four million forints offered by Lurdy Ház Ltd. as a donation on the acquisition of the necessary equipment for COVID patient care. The donation was symbolically handed to Dr. Attila Szabó, Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs and Irén Baumgartnerné Holló, Director General for Economy by Dr. Stephen Szakal, the Managing Director of the shopping and office center and Fanni Zwichl, Marketing and Communications Manager. 

As one of the largest patient care institutions in the country, Semmelweis University has been playing a key role in the fight against COVID-19 since the onset of the epidemic. 21 departments of the university are involved in the health care of coronavirus patients.

“Currently the institution takes care of about 500 COVID patients with a positive test result and patients suspected of coronavirus infection per day; this number was 650 at the peak of the epidemic”, said Dr. Attila Szabó, Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs and President of the Clinical Centre on the occasion of receiving the donation offered by Lurdy Ház Ltd.

In addition to the university staff, the Vice-Rector for Clinical Affairs also expressed his gratitude on behalf of the patients being treated at the departments of the university for the support.

“The donation of four million forints will be used by the university’s foundation to purchase protective equipment and other equipment related to COVID patient care, which is also needed for the students’ practical education. The amount will be used to buy surgical masks, gloves, as well as syringes and needles for vaccination for the university’s COVID departments”, said Irén Baumgartnerné Holló, Director-General for Economy, Board Member of Semmelweis University Foundation.

According to the Director-General for Economy, the primary goal of Semmelweis University Foundation is to support education and health care, as well as to help students with outstanding academic performance.

“The choice of Lurdy Ház Ltd. fell on Semmelweis University due to its outstanding performance conducted during the pandemic”, said Fanni Zwichl, Marketing and Communications Manager.

Each year, the company offers a certain portion of its profits for charitable purposes that it considers the most important. In previous years, sick children and disadvantaged children were supported with their donations. This year, they thought that they could contribute best to improving the current epidemic situation in this form.

Zsuzsa Borbély –Pálma Dobozi
Photo: Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University
Translation: Katalin Illés-Romhányi