The students of Semmelweis University were awarded with three gold medals at this year’s rowing competition organized by MEFOB (Hungarian National Championship for University and College Students). With this result, our university’s achievements were the best at the championship, where the students of seven universities were competing in eight different events.

The team of Semmelweis University proved to be the most successful during the two-day championship held at the rowing sage in Csepel, the students were awarded with three gold medals. Semmelweis students won the competitive rowing events of both male and female single sculls. Orsolya Benda, student of the Faculty of Health Sciences was awarded with a gold medal in female single sculls, while in the male single sculls category it was Tamás Gerei, who has become champion. Tamás Gerei and Péter Turi, students of the Faculty of Medicine were competing hard in double sculls against the boat of the students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and in the end the students of our university managed to overtake the other rowing boat and won the competition.

Due to the measures taken during the current epidemiological situation, most of the awardees were provided with their medals within their boats, before disembarking.

More information about the further results of the competition is available here.

Bernadett Bódi
Featured image (illustration): Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University
Translation: Katalin Illés-Romhányi