On the procedures and notification obligation for trips abroad

In order to provide seamless and coordinated preventive measures against the novel coronavirus infection, Dr. Sándor Pintér and Dr. Miklós Kásler ministers and co-presidents of the Government Operative Staff appealed to the heads of healthcare institutions and requested that staff of the institutions suspend or postpone their trips abroad for the duration of the epidemic to ensure the life, safety and health of their families and patients. I also have to draw attention to the fact that preserving the health of healthcare workers is a matter of national security.

Accordingly, acting within the scope of my competence defined by I.1 part 3. § (12) of Semmelweis University’s (hereinafter: University) Organisational and Operational Regulations, I hereby issue the following provisions:

(1) I hereby order all citizens of Semmelweis University (students, faculty members, employees) to postpone their official trips abroad. Official travel may only be initiated in possession of the Rector’s permission. Requests for permission can be submitted to For professional communication with international partners use alternative means of communication (eg. teleconferencing).

(2) In case of both official and private travels, on the first working day following your return – in case of returning from China, South-Korea, Iran or Italy 14 days prior to your arrival – you are required to fill in the questionnaire found in present instruction’s appendix and send it electronically to your employer or to the dean in case of students. In order to provide proper patient care services, please contact the hospital hygiene staff indicated in the University’s questionnaire.

(3) Students and employees, who have been in countries that are at risk according to international communication, should be ordered to pursue e-learning or if possible, work from home for a period of 14 days. Absence from theoretical and practical lessons can be justified by handing in your notice on your travels.

(4) This instruction enters into force immediately upon its publication on the University’s website.


Please, strictly abide by the above.

I also recommend and ask all citizens of Semmelweis University to postpone their private travels abroad.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Budapest, 11th March 2020



                                                                                                                 Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                           Dr. Béla Merkely

The original signed and stamped document of R/1/2020 No. III.11. RECTOR’S INSTRUCTION on the procedures and notification obligation for trips abroad can be found on the following link: R/1/2020. (III.11.) számú REKTORI UTASÍTÁS

Appendix No.1 of R/1/2020 No. III.11. RECTOR’S INSTRUCTION on the procedures and notification obligation for trips abroad can be downloaded from the following link: R/1/2020. (III.11.) számú REKTORI UTASÍTÁS 1. számú melléklete