Letter from Dr. Miklós Kellermayer to students with good command of Hungarian on the opportunities to apply for volunteer work.

Dear Students,

Just like in our letter sent to 6th year students the previous week, I encourage you to help in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic and apply for volunteer work. You can apply for volunteer work at our clinics, in our Practice Hospitals and Departments and Training Wards ready to receive volunteers*. At the same time, I would like to ask you to register on the following website: covid-onkentes.aeek.hu.

Volunteer work will be accounted for in the clinical practices. More details will be provided later.


Budapest, 16th March 2020


                                                                                          Dr. Miklós Kellermayer


* except where students are not received:

Heim Pál National Institute of Paediatrics

Szent Margit Hospital

Flór Ferenc Hospital, Pest County, Kistarcsa

Kaposi Mór Teaching Hospital, Somogy County, Kaposvár