A Semmelweis statue was erected in the park of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania in Târgu Mureș. At the event taking place on 6 April, Semmelweis University was represented by a multi-member delegation led by Dr. László Rosivall, President of the Semmelweis Memorial Committee.

Dr. Béla Szabó, head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș, delivered a lecture at the ceremony. In addition to Semmelweis’ life work, he also spoke about the history of Transylvania. Dr. László Rosivall, President of the Semmelweis Memorial Committee, gave a summary of the events and lessons of the Memorial Year entitled “200 years of Semmelweis ‒ from the Semmelweis Goblet to the statue unveiling in Tokyo”. Dr. László Dávid, Rector of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, thanked the delegation for the gift, stating that he considered this to be of special importance given that the Hungarian-language medical training in Transylvania was in a difficult situation. At the unveiling ceremony, László Tóth, Consul General of Miercurea Ciuc, was also present and praised Semmelweis’ greatness.

András Kelemen, Dean of the Târgu Mureș Faculty of the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, and Dr. Tibor Szilágyi, President of the Medical and Pharmacy Division of the Transylvanian Museum Society, delivered ceremonial speeches at the unveiling. Semmelweis University was represented by Dr. László Rosivall, Dr. Károly Nagy, professor emeritus, Dr. Éva Kovács, teacher at the Directorate of Language and Communication, Judit Hegedűs, financial director, and Shahrokh Mirza Hosseini, director of the Avicenna International College, who will prepare a documentary about the events of the Memorial Year.


Source: Semmelweis Memorial Committee
Translation: Diána Módos