The unification of social and educational management affairs and the restructuring of the supervisory committee are among the most important plans of Dr. Péter Hermann. The Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs considers the renewal of the examination and study regulations and the remuneration regulations important as well.

RS37106_KA-20151009-IMG_1981-scrWhile preparing his application for the position of vice-rector, Dr. Péter Hermann had already been in a leading position, therefore he was able to incorporate the experiences gained during that transitory period in his work plan.

Prior to his appointment as vice-rector he had been dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. Before accepting the position as vice-rector, he had held consultations with the leadership of the Faculty. As the position of the vice-rector means a great appreciation for the faculty as well, he gladly accepted it. He also believes that the four vice-rectors make up a team who cooperate in helping the rector make decisions.

“The most important tasks for the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs are the management of the supervisory committee and the coordination of study committees, which are inextricably linked.”, he said.

In his opinion the study and examination regulation has to be harmonised, as it is unacceptable that certain issues are dealt with in a different way because of diverse regulations.

“The distinct characteristics of the faculties have to be preserved, however the principles should be the same.”, said Dr. Péter Hermann.

His aim is to restructure the management of foreign students, so that each faculty’s study committee would make decisions regarding foreign students instead of the Foreign Students’ Secretariat.

“Similar matRS37121_KA-20151009-IMG_1888-scrters should be dealt with the same bodies. Students participating in the foreign language programmes should be treated in the same way as Hungarian students. This can only be achieved by having the Foreign Students’ Secretariat prepare the decision making procedure and its representative will participate in the meeting of the study committee to make the final decision.”, he said.

He believes that this technical modification will bring significant changes in the management of study affairs.

Apart from the reorganisation of the supervisory committee, regulations regarding reimbursement and remuneration need to be reviewed as well. The supervisory committee would be further extended by new members from the faculties and the School of Ph.D. Studies and simpler request forms would be introduced. The Vice-Rector hopes that the harmonisation of the reimbursement and remuneration regulation will reduce the number of students dissatisfied with the amount of social aids or the number of dormitory places.

Dr. Péter Hermann would also like to bring about changes in the field of education, on various levels.

“I strongly support the suggestion of the Faculty of Medicine, according to which at least two new lecture halls with the capacity of 500 students should be set up. Due to the university’s high capacity utilisation, the second semester of the academic year 2015/2016 will face a shortage of lecture halls.”, he said.

The implementation plan is currently being prepared by taking the suggestions and feedback of the faculties into consideration. He also considers practical education and the recruitment of able and devoted instructors the key to a successful educational model.

RS37108_KA-20151009-IMG_1959-scr“I believe that those young medical professionals who choose to work at Semmelweis University had been inspired by the university’s ambient despite the appeal of the private sector and foreign opportunities. It is our responsibility to retain competent young professionals and not be satisfied with those who have not been accepted elsewhere.”. Dr. Péter Hermann said.

He also emphasized the importance of appreciation. He believes that in the field of healthcare, acknowledgement means almost as much as financial compensation.

“We should strive to ensure that healthcare workers never lack professional appreciation.”, he said.

Szilvia Tóth-Szabó
Photo: Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University
Translated by: Ágnes Raubinek