Helyszín: Nagyvárad square Theoretical Block (NET), Budapest Nagyvárad tér 4.

Dátum: 2019.11.08.

{ "name":"Doctor Honoris Causa and Dies Academicus", "description":"

Dies Academicus (University day) and
the ceremonial meeting of Semmelweis University’s Senate
awarding Doctor Honoris Causa degrees
and the conferment of PhD doctoral degrees.

Nagyvárad square Theoretical Block (NET)", "startDate":"2019-11-08", "endDate":"2019-11-08", "startTime":"10:00", "endTime":"13:00", "location":"Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.", "options":["Apple","Google","iCal","Microsoft365", "MicrosoftTeams", "Outlook.com"], "timeZone":"Europe/Budapest", "iCalFileName":"Doctor Honoris Causa and Dies Academicus", "label":"Naptárba"}

Dies Academicus (University day) and
the ceremonial meeting of Semmelweis University’s Senate
awarding Doctor Honoris Causa degrees
and the conferment of PhD doctoral degrees.

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