Despite the potential harm they can cause, the popularity of household water filter systems is on the rise. When not operated properly, these systems create an environment favouring bacterial growth, which can deteriorate water quality rather than improve it, putting consumers at risk.
The problems people try to avoid by refraining from drinking tap water are often the very problems they are faced with when installing water filters
, says Tamás Pándics, head of Public Health Sciences Department at Semmelweis University. The use of these devices may be justified in regions where water is not treated sufficiently, the infrastructure is subpar or there are other quality or issues. “But even in these cases, filters cannot turn poor, contaminated water into problem free one. Where the bacteria count is already high in the pipelines or tap water, an improperly operated filter may even worsen its quality”, the expert adds.
Many opt for water filters to address problems that are no longer present or one device is unable to manage/eliminate.
Drinking-water is our best controlled food substance. Depending on the size and population of the water supply zone, authorities ideally assess its quality from a dozen to several hundred times per year
, says Pándics.
Chemical and microbiological contamination is fairly rare in treated tap water. In fact, it is water filters that come with increased microbiological risks most of which occur as a result of inadequate operation.
Not being a sterile environment, water can contain microscopic organisms, but from a health perspective, they are irrelevant—unless we create conditions for them to proliferate,
Pándics notes.
Filters are an ideal place for bacteria to grow when they are not replaced at the intervals required or when contaminated by the user’s hand during replacement. Hard-to-reach parts – not only in filters but any equipment using water such as humidifiers or inhalators – can create the suitable environment for microorganism growth.
Bacteria thrive on plastic surfaces; in a humid environment even pathogens can grow on it. They may not necessarily cause illness but the risk is still present, he adds.
Many systems use an activated carbon filter that can remove the chlorine taste and smell from drinking water; a common reason why many won’t drink tap water. „The same can be achieved by pouring water into a jug and letting it sit for fifteen minutes, Pándics says.
So it worth considering when it is justified to buy and operate an expensive system that runs a lot of added risks. Most of the time it’s not, the expert notes. In many countries, including Hungary, these devices are subject to official licensing. In this case, approved products are safer.
Illustration: iStock