The strategic document aims to define the thematic priorities and strategic objectives of the European partnership and to be a guiding document for the European research ecosystem to improve pandemic preparedness.

“Preparedness for a future pandemic is important because, based on the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, better solutions are needed to prevent and mitigate the potential outbreaks of known, re-emerging, and new pathogens,” said Dr. Beatrix Oroszi, Director of the Semmelweis Epidemiology and Surveillance Center, who contributed to drafting the document on behalf of the 16 consortium members comprising Hungary’s National Laboratory for Health Security, which includes Semmelweis University as well. Besides her, Hungary was represented by Dr. Gergely Röst, Chair of Applied and Numerical Mathematics at the University of Szeged. The document, which is currently open to international public consultation, was drafted by the partners of the BE READY project representing several European countries at the expert level. The project was funded by the Horizon Europe program.
Dr. Beatrix Oroszi noted that the National Laboratory for Health Security (RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00006) was also featured as a good example in the appendix of the document, as it had created a collaborative network of research groups previously operating in isolation in Hungary to carry out scientific research with the aim of improving health security.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) document is available here. The survey is open until 8 p.m. CEST on December 15, 2024 for international public consultation via this interface.
Pálma Dobozi
Translation: Judit Szabados-Dőtsch
Photo by Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University