Within the framework of the four-week Semmelweis International Short Program offered by the Directorate of International Relations, 19 medical students from China arrived at Semmelweis University to receive basic theoretical and clinical internship training.

During the first two weeks of the program, visiting students were introduced to the basics of translational medicine through an intensive training program organized by the Centre for Translational Medicine at Semmelweis University. In the second two weeks of the program, they took part in a clinical internship program at five departments of Semmelweis University.

The program was officially opened by Dr. Marcel Pop, Director of International Relations, who welcomed the participants and the representatives of the Chinese partner GEC Academy, which contributed to the implementation of the program. He then introduced Semmelweis University and emphasized that the Semmelweis International Summer Program was an exceptional opportunity, which, beyond expanding their knowledge, allowed participants to establish valuable professional connections that would benefit their studies and future research activities upon returning to their home country.

Dr. Péter Hegyi, Director of the Centre for Translational Medicine, welcomed the attendees and highlighted how the knowledge gained during the basic course could provide opportunities for further professional development. Students completing the program will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge through an advanced course, with the long-term possible goal of pursuing a PhD. The program offered by Semmelweis University helps students become critical readers of medical research papers, gather primary data on health issues through questioning and observation, and conduct biomedical research.

Students gained an understanding of clinical research planning, including systematic reviews, patient registries, and clinical trials, by designing an extended project in study groups led by experienced members of the TM Centre, Dr. Szilárd Váncsa, Dr. Rita Nagy, Dr. Brigitta Teutsch, Dr. Bianca Golzio, Mikolt Bakony, Bence Szabó, Dr. Marie Engh, Dr. Anett Rancz, and Dr. Mahmoud Obeidat.

In the second half of the Semmelweis International Summer Program, the Chinese medical students gained insight into the organization, professional activities, and patient care processes at the Department of Internal Medicine and Hematology, the Városmajor Heart and Vascular Center, the Pediatric Center, the Department of Surgery, Transplantation and Gastroenterology, and the Department of Ophthalmology. On-site personal mentors introduced the attendees to the Hungarian patient care system, who also had the opportunity to ask questions and, through their mentor, became acquainted with the professional work conducted at the departments. Students who completed the training received a certificate at the closing event.



Held between July 15 and August 9, 2024, the Semmelweis International Summer Program offered a variety of leisure activities in addition to professional training.

The short programs available at Semmelweis University are organized by the Directorate of International Relations. The directorate also offers additional fee-based short courses and training programs for students and practicing professionals. More information is available on the directorate’s website.

Eszter Turopoli
Photos by the Directorate of International Relations – Semmelweis University