In its main discipline, Life Sciences and Medicine, Semmelweis University is now ranked 262nd in the latest QS ranking, moving up 10 places from last year. It has also been ranked in the top 250 in Medicine and in Pharmacy & Pharmacology. In Anatomy & Physiology, it is among the 140 best in the world. Semmelweis University has the highest national ranking in each of these lists.

The Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) international rankings by subject compare universities around the world in five major disciplines. Semmelweis University has been ranked 262nd in the latest ranking for 2022, improving 10 positions from 272nd last year, the best result at the national level.

Within its main discipline, the university was ranked among the best in three narrower subject areas. Medicine and Pharmacy & Pharmacology remain in the top 250, ranked 201-250, while Anatomy & Physiology is now ranked 101-140.

Semmelweis University is the top-ranked Hungarian higher education institution in each of these ranking lists.

The QS international subject rankings are compiled using five criteria: the citation rate of scientific works associated with the institution, the reputation of the university in the scientific community, employer opinions, the bibliographic indicator of citations (h-index citations), and this year, the International Research Network (IRN) indicator, which assesses the degree of international diversity in research collaborations between institutions.

Ádám Szabó
Translation: Viktória Kiss
Photo (illustration): Attila Kovács – Semmelweis University