51 graduating medical students received their degrees from Semmelweis University at the ceremony of Asklepios Campus Hamburg (ACH) held at the Embassy of Hungary in Berlin on 16 July, 2021. This was the tenth graduation ceremony in the history of the off-campus program located in Hamburg.
The international off-campus program of Semmelweis University in Hamburg was founded in 2008, altogether 399 students have received their medical degrees since the first graduation ceremony. The students of the German-language program complete their theoretical training in Budapest, then they continue their studies at ACH in Hamburg from the third year on. This was the tenth graduation ceremony in the history of the off-campus program in Hamburg, which was organized on 16 July, 2021 at the Embassy of Hungary in Berlin with parents and friends present.
After the welcome note of the host, Dr. Péter Györkös, Ambassador, Dr. Karl J. Oldhafer, Rector’s and Dean’s Commissioner at ACH congratulated the newly inaugurated doctors of medicine. He emphasized the importance of communication in practicing medicine and he also recalled the advice that Roosevelt, former President of the USA gave to his son: “Be honest, talk briefly and be persistent”.
The title of Doctor of Medicine was conferred on the graduates by Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector of Semmelweis University; Dr. Miklós Kellermayer, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; Dr. Alán Alpár, Vice-Rector for International Studies; Dr. Veronika Müller, Rector’s Commissioner for the clinical affairs of international students and Dr. Karl J. Oldhafer, Rector’s and Dean’s Commissioner at ACH.
Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector of Semmelweis University welcomed the newly graduated doctors and he congratulated them on reaching their goal of obtaining a medical degree.
As the Rector of Semmelweis University, I have always considered the participation of international students at our institution and their decisive role in the life of the university of utmost importance. I will continue to do my best further strengthen the dedication of international students for our country and their profession.
– highlighted the Rector.
“International students promote the reputation of our University wherever they go, and through them colleagues and patients abroad can get an insight into the high quality of education in Hungary. In addition to the ACH graduates, the number of German-speaking students in Budapest is also significant. This year, 106 students studying in German received their medical degree at Semmelweis University in Budapest”, Dr. Béla Merkely pointed out.
The Rector also talked about the peculiarity of the past year, as the newly graduated Doctors of Medicine started their last academic year in one of the most challenging periods of the coronavirus pandemic. They were heavily involved in epidemiological tasks in addition to their studies, thus proving themselves to worthy of the legacy of their great predecessors.
“This year is also special, because the new cooperation agreement between Semmelweis University and Asklepios Campus Hamburg will be signed in September, which is the continuation of the first agreement of 2008, ”, the Rector emphasized.
The aim of the new cooperation agreement is to make the successful collaboration even more effective by laying a solid foundation and adding new elements.
“This cooperation agreement will provide us with further opportunities to create a university, which trains the most excellent physicians and health care professionals and ensures their professional development”, the Rector said.
On behalf of the newly graduated students, Dr. Nico Erhard, Dr. Ronja Griesen and Dr. Urs Schröter addressed the audience. They expressed their gratitude for all the help and the opportunities they were provided with during their exciting and meaningful years spent in Budapest and then in Hamburg, which is an important and decisive period for all young people in their 20s.
As part of the ceremony, Dr. Béla Merkely handed over the Course Manager appointments to four staff members of ACH for their excellent professional work of many years. The recipients of the appointment are Michael Ehnert, lead clinician at the Institute for Sports Medicine and Prevention of the Asklepios Klinik St. Georg; Dr. Georgia Schilling, chief physician at the Department of Oncology Rehabilitation of Asklepios Nordseeklinik; Dr. Susanne Wenner-Ziegler, medical manager responsible for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention at Asklepios; as well as Dr. Gunter Wiest, chief physician, internist and pulmonologist at AK Harburg.
Dr. Christoph Jermann, Executive Director of ACH pointed out that this year a group of students outstanding in many ways say farewell to the university.
“They are outstanding, because all the graduating students completed their studies with excellent results. The circumstances are also outstanding because they are able to celebrate this outstanding achievement with the participation of family members and friends. Also, this group of students completed their studies with the best results ever in the history of ACH. Furthermore, this year’s graduating students proved to have exceptional social and organizational skills, who also achieved amazing results is scientific research”, he emphasized.
As a traditional closing part of the event, the newly graduated Doctors of Medicine had a group photo taken in front of the Branderburg Gate together with the leadership of the university and the staff members of ACH.
“Be proud of yourselves, each other and your diverse, innovative but traditional alma mater. Never lose your curiosity towards your profession, your dedication and the intention to provide your patients with the best of care always in line with the latest developments of medicine”, Dr. Béla Merkely said.
Judit Szlovák, Directorate of International Relations
Photo: Hauke Gilbert
Translation: Katalin Illés-Romhányi