42 graduates of Asklepios Campus Hamburg (ACH) were conferred the title Doctor of Medicine on 31st July. Due to the epidemiological situation, the graduation ceremony of the 9th graduating class of Semmelweis University’s off-campus programme in Germany was held in one of the buildings of Asklepios Campus Hamburg instead of the traditional venue of the embassy in Berlin.

The graduate students were first greeted by Dr. Karl-Jürgen Oldhafer, Rector’s Commissioner and Dean’s Commissioner of Asklepios Campus Hamburg, who congratulated the class of 2020 for passing the final exam.

“This year, students of an outstanding class receive their diplomas who were able to complete their studies on time despite the difficulties caused by the epidemiological situation. Doctors and healthcare professionals are needed at all times, especially in the current situation, so you can prove your preparedness and disposition in any branch of the medical profession you may choose.”, said dr. Karl-Jürgen Oldhafer.

After his speech, Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector opened the ceremonial meeting of Semmelweis University’s Senate. After the students’ oath, the students were conferred upon the title “Doctor of Medicine” by Dr. Béla Merkely and Dr. Miklós Kellermayer, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, while the medical shoulder strap was placed on the newly conferred doctors by Dr. Karl J. Oldhafer.

Dr. Victoria Frank and Dr. Marie-Philine Kuck spoke on behalf of the graduating class, thanking all those, who supported them over the course of their studies. They talked about the difficulties of the semesters and exams behind them and the fact that they still prefer remembering the experiences and happy moments they shared.  

In his speech, Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector greeted the newly graduated students and congratulated them on receiving their diplomas. He recalled, how outstanding this academic year was: the students received their diplomas in the year of the 250th anniversary of Semmelweis University’s foundation and were also able to complete their studies in an extraordinary epidemiological emergency.

“The fact that you are inaugurated as our colleagues on this day proves that you have been able to stand your ground even in difficult times. One of the most significant events of the anniversary year was the curriculum reform of the Hungarian, English and German language medical programme and changes in other areas of the training portfolio have started as well. The new curriculum could be an example for the renewal and modernization of medical education and serves our mission to train the best doctors and healthcare professionals. We want to train doctors and healthcare professionals with extensive practical knowledge and patient-centred approach, who are ready to cure the patients and not only the disease. We would like to convey our belief in health as our profession.”, said the Rector.

In his speech, Dr. Béla Merkely spoke about the university’s exemplary stance in this extraordinary period. On the one hand, Semmelweis University successfully handled the challenges of the coronavirus epidemic both in education and patient care. On the other hand, Semmelweis University led H-UNCOVER, the nationwide coronavirus screening project, which was concluded with outstanding results even on an international level. The employees of the university thus played a decisive role in preventing the further spread of the virus in Hungary.

“The cooperation between Semmelweis University and Asklepios Campus Hamburg has always been an important element of the university’s strategy. The project, launched in 2008 has now become one of the most valuable and most successful models of joint university training in Europe. German doctors, who studied in Hungary represent the strongest link in the development of German and Hungarian academic and scientific collaborations. Through the graduates of Askelpios Campus Hamburg, the reputation of our university and Hungarian medical training can be further strengthened.”, said Dr. Béla Merkely.

As part of the ceremony, Dr. Béla Merkely awarded certificates to Dr. Dietmar Kivelitz, Dr. Sven Petersen and Dr. Lars Marquardt employees of Asklepios Campus Hamburg. Dr. Péter Bucsky, outgoing Rector’s Commissioner was awarded with the title “Honorary Senator”.

At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Christoph Jermann, CEO of Asklepios Medical School held a speech, in which he thanked the graduates for their work over the years and the parents for supporting and encouraging their children to become doctors. He emphasized the fact that German hospitals are admitting the graduates of Asklepios in increasing numbers, therefore, everything is given for a successful future for the graduates of today.

After the graduation ceremony, the leaders of Semmelweis University and Asklepios Medical School GmbH held a meeting to lay down the terms of the continuation of the cooperation agreement. The agreement was signed in 2008 by Semmelweis University and the Asklepios Hospital Group, one of the largest hospital network in Germany. The agreement, expiring in 2023, set up a binational faculty in Hamburg that is part of the Faculty of Medicine in Hungary. This educational model is unique in Europe and enables students of Semmelweis University to continue their studies according to the Hungarian curriculum at the Hamburg campus after completing two years of theoretical education in Budapest. The leaders managed to reach an agreement at the meeting, so a new agreement will be signed soon.

The graduation ceremony was held in full compliance with the epidemiological and safety regulations.

Judit Szlovák
Photo: Hauke Gilbert
Translation: Ágnes Raubinek