While protective equipment ordered by the government is constantly arriving in Hungary, donors are also contributing to the fight against the virus with their offerings. This time two Chinese Universities and two Chinese companies sent masks, protective suits and sampling devices to Semmelweis University.

Courtesy of the Central South University and Fudan University 16,000 masks of different types and 200 protective suits were delivered. China’s Cecz company supports the protective measures with 10,000 sampling devices and Hangzhou International Exchange & Service Center has contributed to the safety of the university’s healthcare workers by donating 100 protective suits and 2,500 surgical masks.

Semmelweis University expresses its appreciation towards the donors, the Hungarian embassy in Beijing, the Hungarian Consulate General in Shanghai and Cao He Ping, Chinese businessman living in Hungary for their help in delivering the goods to Hungary. The equipment will be distributed among Semmelweis University’s healthcare workers.

Semmelweis University’s Directorate of International Relations was involved in organizing the donations arriving from China. According to Dr. Marcel Pop, director, Semmelweis University has been in close contact with the Asian country for over a decade. Cooperation with its partners, including Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Central South University, Zhejiang University School of Medicine and Peking University, are realized in the field of staff- and student exchange and joint research projects. Semmelweis University’s Faculty of Health Sciences launched a unique 5-year course of Traditional Chinese Medicine in collaboration with Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine. Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector was elected co-president of the China and Central-Eastern Europe Hospital Cooperation Alliance for the second time last year.

Semmelweis University is committed to the further improvement of Chinese relations and to the establishment of new partnerships. 

Source: Directorate of International Relations
Translation: Ágnes Raubinek