Semmelweis University was represented in great numbers and exhibited outstanding scientific performance at the conference of the Hungarian Medical Association of America (HMAA) in Sarasota. The 25 lectures held by the University’s staff made up 30 percent of the total number of presentations. Topics included cardiovascular disorders, dermatology, internal medicine, orthopaedics, neurology, emergency care, education development, psychiatry and oncology.
Lectures were held by Dr. Béla Merkely Rector, Dr. Zoltán Zsolt Nagy, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Dr. Ákos Koller, Dr. József Sándor and Dr. Ferenc Tury professors, Dr. Endre Zima associate professor, Dr. Marcel Pop Director of International Relations and Dr. Gergő Merkely, in addition, Dr. Nóra Sydó, Emese Csulák, Bánk Fenyves and Péter Legeza residents, as well as Enikő Bóna, Zsófia Drobni and Júlia Karády PhD students, Mónika Erzsébet Ambrus, Júlia Erdi, Veronika Frank, Benjámin Hajnal, Ferenc Komlósi, Nóra Kovács, Klára Aliz Stark, Roland Stengl and Diána Nikoletta Szabó students and Szilvia Sydó physiotherapist. The conference was also attended by Dr. Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich and Dr. Ildikó Horváth State Secretaries.
Through the lecture given by Dr. Béla Merkely, the 51st conference provided an excellent opportunity to introduce the two pillars of Semmelweis University’s strategy: the curriculum reform and the R&D ideas and plans for innovation in the health industry. The conference organisers and the leaders of HMAA published a two-page summary of the Association’s participation in the Opening Ceremony of Semmelweis University’s 250th academic year. At the board meeting Dr. Béla Merkely thanked the board members for their assistance and cooperation by bestowing medals and badges.
Five HMAA members received Semmelweis University’s Pro Universitate awards at the gala dinner: Dr. Péter Forbáth, Dr. Zsolt Garami, Dr. Krisztinicz Irene, Dr. Krisztinicz Thomas and Dr. Stephen G. Somkuti. The highlight of the gala dinner was the announcement of the decision made by the leadership of HMAA to establish the Ganz Award in honour of the 100th birthday of William Ganz. The award named after the Slovak-born American cardiologist, inventor of pulmonary artery catheterization was first conferred upon Dr. Béla Merkely, Rector. The two sons of William Ganz, Dr. Peter Ganz and Dr. Tomas Ganz are currently the members of HMAA.
Diána Módos, Directorate of International Relations
Source of phoot: Directorate of International Relations
Translation: Ágnes Raubinek