A brand new all-colour book with the title of Academic Excellence in Biomedical Research at Semmelweis was released by Semmelweis Publishing recently. This full-fledged directory with pictured introductions of all R+D laboratories gives an excellent overview about the wide-ranging activities of the research institutions affiliated with Semmelweis University.

As the university is widely recognized as one of Europe’s leading centres in medicine and health sciences, by providing this comprehensive large-size 200-page volume for the public, the research fellows can introduce themselves from their „facebook” side as well.

Besides describing their main area of operation, each institution or department compiled a complete list of research fellows with their recent publications. Up-to-date contact information is also included in this very reader-friendly and colourful publication. As it is not available in stores, please indicate to us if you are interested in buying a hard copy. It would cost appr. 30 EUR plus shipping.

Copying and pasting the following URL into your web browser, you can also read the publication at: https://semmelweis.hu/hirek/files/regi_honlap/inst169/academic_excellence_in_biomedical_research_at_