Extended EHR@EU Data Space for Primary Use (Xt-Ehr)


About the project:

Xt-Ehr is a Joint Action to facilitate the implementation of the EHDS (European Health Data Space) cross-border data exchange and the establishment of its implementing guidelines. The project aims to develop clear guidelines to enhance patient care, simplify data exchange and improve the overall efficiency of the healthcare ecosystem. To achieve this goal, it will promote better exchange and access to different types of health data and enable the smooth adoption and implementation of the EHDS Regulation.

It will also prepare the implementation of new MyHealth@EU services (laboratory results, medical images, hospital discharge reports); interoperability of electronic health records, telemedicine, relevant health software, electronic identification; quality assessment of mobile wellness applications; and guidelines on how to meet the data requirements of the AI Regulation.

Key work packages: developing guidelines and technical specifications for electronic health record (EHR) systems (WP5, 6 and 7) and developing certification frameworks and promoting the uptake of telemedicine services (WP8 and 9).

Project members:

Project leader/Consortium leader: Ethniki Archi Ilektronikis Igeias (CY)

Role of HSMTC: HMSTC is participating as an associate member in the development of the WP4 T4.2 Sustainability plan led by the ESZFK (Egészséginformatikai Szolgáltató és Fejlesztési Központ) and the Czech competent authority, with the final document expected by the end of 2025. In this task, the partners will develop EHDS-compliant requirements for the different levels of interoperability (technical, semantic, organizational, legal and policy), define the essential minimum requirements and suggestions for a harmonized and progressive implementation of the requirements.

Project number: 101128085

Webpage: https://www.xt-ehr.eu/

Social media: LinkedIn

Project contact:

Name: Andreas Neocleous
E-mail: neocleous.andreas@ucy.ac.cy

HSMTC contact:

Name: Dr. Réka Kovács
E-mail: kovacs.reka@emk.semmelweis.hu

Extended EHR@EU Data Space for Primary Use (Xt-Ehr)