Expanding Digital Health through a pan-European EEHRxF-based Ecosystem (XpanDH)


About the project:

XpanDH is a two-year Horizon Europe project focused on unlocking the full potential of European health data and supporting the widespread adoption of digital health solutions. It aims to empower people and organisations to create, deploy and explore the use of digital health solutions.

To achieve this, it promotes the adoption of the European Electronic Health Record Format (EEHRxF), which allows different digital health tools to communicate with each other.

Furthermore, it will test the feasibility of EEHRxF through pilot implementers (pilot partners) via reference cases (X-Bubbles).

Expected outcomes:

  1. Improved cross-border digital health solutions in the EU by developing technical resources and promoting the use of standardized technical specifications for specific use cases.
  2. Better access, control and portability of your health data through digital services based on EEHRxF specifications.
  3. Informed policy makers and the eHealth Network about the EEHRxF and how it can be extended to other use cases.
  4. Provide diverse populations with training materials, specialized tools, guidelines, mentorship programs, and collaboration initiatives.

Project members:

Project leader/Consortium leader: Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon

HSMTC’s role in the project: HSMTC participates as an associate member in the legal, ethical, cybersecurity; feasibility demonstration of the EHRxF-based infrastructure (X-Bundle) and the promotion and maintenance of the X-PanDH toolkit.

Other members/partners:

  • Echalliance – The Global Health Connector
  • Hope – European Hospital and Healthcare Federation
  • HL7 International Foundation
  • Gnomon Informatics SA
  • Empirica
  • Santo António University Hospital Center
  • IHD – The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data
  • Greek DRG Institute – Center of Documentation and Costing of Hospital Services
  • UNINOVA – Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias
  • NCZI – National Health Information Centre
  • IHE Europe – Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
  • EHMA – European Health Management Association
  • University of Oslo
  • Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta “Bagdasar-Arseni”
  • ARIA SpA – Regional Company for Innovation and Purchasing
  • Digital Europe
  • OKFŐ – National Diractorate General for Hospitals
  • Cluster TAV – Tech For Life
  • Nictiz
  • EDHA – European Digital Health Academy
  • CEN – Health Informatics TC251
  • ASU FC – Azienda sanitaria universitaria Friuli Centrale
  • European Cancer Patient Coalition

Project number: HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-05

Project webpage: https://xpandh-project.iscte-iul.pt/

Social media:


Project contact:

Name: Henrique Martins project coordinator
E-mail: henrique@henriquemartins.eu

HSMT contact:

Name: Dr. Réka Kovács 
E-mail: kovacs.reka@emk.semmelweis.hu

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