The higher education institution is responsible for the implementation and the preparation of the internship program during the EnterMode project, in this case the Health Services Management Training Centre of Semmelweis University.
The hosting companies were selected on request. After the call for the companies, there was a list of companies that are keen to apply the EnterMode methodology to open to a new approach and develop the entrepreneurial competencies of their intern. The hosting companies, although all related to healthcare, have different organizational forms, including start-ups, private clinics and foundations.
In parallel with the invitation of the companies, the recruitment of students to the EnterMode internship program has started. Students were selected through online interviews based on specific criteria which were discussed with the companies.
Nearly twenty students from the Semmelweis University applied, three of whom were selected to start their internship in the fall of 2020.
Participation in the EnterMode internship was voluntary for all stakeholders.