Dear IFMSA family & SCORPions all around the world! 

Are you interested in the field of Protection of Health Services? Do you want to expand your knowledge about violence against health care, and work together to stop the attacks on health care?

The University of Geneva, the Health Care in Danger Initiative Team and the ICRC are pleased to present the new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Violence against health care” 

This MOOC caters to all people interested in understanding the issues of violence against healthcare. Especially all people in training or already working in the humanitarian, medical, social and military, fields, including other actors operating in situations of armed conflict or emergency, such as authorities, the armed forces, police, judicial and other bodies facing the issues of violence against healthcare.

Watch the teaser trailer for the course here!
Find more information and register for MOOC here!

MOOCs usually offer two options to pass them, free or paid ones. In case you pay, you’ll also receive official Course certificate + some additional bonuses. In case you don’t want to pay, you can still do the course and access almost all resources, however, you will not receive an official Course certificate. Some financial aid is available for learners who cannot afford the fee, find more information at course’s website. The next edition of the course starts on the 16th of October, so please register in advance.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at