Dearest SCORPions around the world,

Do you want to learn more about how war and human rights affect health? Do you want to discover how you can contribute in violence prevention and promoting peace?

Then, this Medical Peace Work MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is the right tool for you, and it will enable you how to better deal with violent situations!

Violence in health care is not an exception. On the March Meeting, many students told about their experiences and how violence was even quite common in some countries, when we addressed this topic during the pre-GA. Have you recognized it as an issue in your country as well?

What is this course about?

Shortly: Understanding the role of healthcare in maintaining and building peaceful societies.

Violence affects health in multiple ways. Medical peace work is an important and emerging field of expertise in health, violence prevention, and peace-building. This course will introduce you to some of the key concepts, opportunities and dilemmas in the field through six case studies on causes, responses, roles, and duties of healthcare practitioners in dealing with violence and building peaceful societies.


Basically, you can start this course anytime. However, there will be a moderated version providing you the possibility to interact with the other learners and to discuss further questions with the teachers. This version starts on Monday, May 1st. It will only take you 2 hours per week, lasting for 6 weeks in total – and afterwards, you will be one step closer to become an expert in violence prevention and peace building in your society!


This course is accessible via the FutureLearn platform. And it is completely free!


This course employs interactive learning strategies such as videos, quizzes, assignments to offer you a sustainable and fun learning experience! It is not about learning textbooks by heart 😉

What is Medical Peace Work?

  • Overall, you learn how war and human right violations affect health
  • It is an emerging field of expertise in health work, violence prevention and peace building
  • It is a partnership of medical organizations and teaching institutions committed to the development of this new field of expertise
  • It is also seven online courses and a collection of teaching resources for medical peace education

During the six weeks of this MOOC, we will cover six topics:

  • Recognising signs of domestic violence in clinical practice
  • Recognising and healing the effects of torture
  • Providing appropriate healthcare for refugees
  • Conflict-sensitive peace-health work in war and post-war areas
  • Preparing for the health effects of climate change
  • Responding to a nuclear explosion

It would be great to get some feedback whether you are intending to sign up for the course!