Research communications
- Csillag A., (1971) The effect of arsenite on rat-liver mitochondria. FEBS Lett. 17, 342-344. IF: 3,750
- Hajós F., Csillag A. (1976) Structural changes in vitro of isolated nerve endings. I. Effect of cations. Brain Res. 112, 207-213. IF: 2,526
- Csillag A., Hajós F., Kálmán M., Pál I. (1977) Ultrastructural, optical and volume changes in brain mitochondria during gramicidin-induced ion uptake, Acta Biochim. Biophys. Acad. Sci. Hung. 12, 25-29.
- Hajós F., Csillag A. (1978) Variations of matrix electron-density in brain mitochondria. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 26, 107-114.
- Hajós F., Csillag A. (1978) Szinaptoszóma frakciók készítése és funkcionális morfológiai elemzése. MTA Biol. Oszt. Közl. 21, 283-290. (in Hungarian)
- Hajós F., Csillag A., Kálmán M. (1978) The effect of pentobarbital, chloralhydrate, ether and protoveratrine on the distribution of synaptic vesicles in rat cortical synaptosomes. Exp. Brain Res. 33, 91-99. IF: 2,049
- Hajós F., Csillag A., Kálmán M., Kisgyörgy J. (1979) The effect of ethanol on the distribution of synaptic vesicles in rat cortical synaptosomes. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 27, 193-198.
- Hajós F., Csillag A., Kálmán M. (1979) The morphology of microtubules in incubated synaptosomes. Effect of low temperature and vinblastine. Exp. Brain Res. 35, 387-393. IF: 2,049
- Csillag A., Hajós F. (1980) Potassium movements in relation to synaptosomal morphology. J. Neurochem. 34, 495-503. IF: 4,219
- Reznikov K.Y., Bascó E., Csillag A., Hajós F. (1981) The types of proliferating glioblasts in the immature mouse neocortex and dentate gyrus as revealed by electron microscopic autoradiography. Acta Anat. 111, 305-313. IF: 0,632
- Hajós F., Woodhams P.L., Bascó E., Csillag A., Balázs R. (1981) Proliferation of astroglia in the embryonic mouse forebrain as revealed by simultaneous immunocytochemistry and autoradiography. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 29, 361-364.
- Woodhams P.L., Bascó E., Hajós F., Csillag A., Balázs R. (1981) Radial glia in the developing mouse cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Anat. Embryol. 163, 331-343. IF: 1,668
- Wilkin G.P., Csillag A., Balázs R., Kingsbury A.E., Wilson J., Johnson A.L. (1981) Localization of high affinity 3H-glycine transport sites in the cerebellar cortex. Brain Res. 216, 11-33. IF: 2,526
- Tozalakian P.V., Csillag A., (1982) The effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on the potassium movements of rat cortical synaptosomes. Exp. Brain Res. 46, 24-28. IF: 2,049
- Csillag A., Kálmán M., Csató Z. (1982) Adenosine diphosphate penetration into synaptosomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex. Acta Biochim. Biophys. Acad. Sci. Hung. 17, 217-224.
- Csillag A., Hajós F., Wilkin G.P. (1982) The separation of a fraction enriched in purely inhibitory nerve terminals from rat cerebellum. Acta Morph. Acad. Sci. Hung. 30, 253-261.
- Kálmán M., Armenian A.R., Chiflikian M.D., Csillag A. (1985) Comparative studies of fresh and post-mortem isolated synaptosomes: Uptake and potassium-evoked release of gamma-aminobutyric acid. Acta Biol. Hung. 36, 87-91. IF: 0,090
- Rose S.P.R., Csillag A. (1985) Passive avoidance training results in lasting changes in deoxyglucose metabolism in left hemisphere regions of chick brain. Behav. Neur. Biol. 44, 315-324. IF: 2,294
- Csillag A., Hajós F. (1985) The EM autoradiographic distribution of label in tissue blocks of pallidum incorporating 3H-Leu-enkephalin and 3H-naloxone in vitro. J. Hirnforsch. 26, 451-458. IF: 0,457
- Csillag A., Kittel Á., Kálmán M. (1986) Differential responses of synaptosomal cation movements and respiration to the convulsants penicillin, pentylenetetrazol and 3-aminopyridine. Acta Physiol. Hung. 67, 223-232. IF: 0,228
- Kálmán M., Csillag A., Hajós F. (1987) Importance of endogenous substrates in synaptosomal functions. Int. J. Neurosci. 34, 19-26. IF: 0,493
- Stewart M.G., Csillag A., Rose S.P.R. (1987) Alterations in synaptic structure in the paleostriatal complex of the domestic chick, Gallus domesticus, following passive avoidance training. Brain Res. 426, 69-81. IF: 2,526
- Csillag A., Stewart M.G., Curtis E.M. (1987) GABAergic structures in the chick telencephalon: GABA immunocytochemistry combined with light and electron microscope autoradiography, and Golgi impregnation. Brain Res. 437, 283-297. IF: 2,526
- Bullock S, Csillag A., Rose S.P.R. (1987) Synaptic vesicle proteins and acetylcholine levels in chick forebrain nuclei are altered by passive avoidance training. J. Neurochem. 49, 812-820. IF: 4,219
- Tömböl T., Csillag A., Stewart M.G. (1988) Cell types of the hyperstriatum ventrale of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus): A Golgi study. J. Hirnforsch. 29, 319-334. IF: 0,457
- Tömböl T., Csillag A., Stewart M.G. (1988) Cell types of the paleostriatal complex of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus): A Golgi study. J. Hirnforsch. 29, 493-507. IF: 0,457
- Tömböl T., Maglóczky Z., Stewart M.G., Csillag A. (1988) The structure of chicken ectostriatum. I. Golgi study. J. Hirnforsch. 29, 525-546. IF: 0,457
- Stewart M.G., Bourne R.C., Chmielowska J., Kálmán M., Csillag A., Stanford D. (1988) Quantitative autoradiographic analysis of the distribution of 3H-muscimol binding to GABA receptors in chick brain. Brain Res. 456, 387-391. IF: 2,526
- Bullock S., Gordon-Weeks P.R., Csillag A. (1988) Preparation and characterization of a monoclonal antibody to an antigen enriched in chick brain postsynaptic densities. J. Neurochem. 51, 442-450. F: 4,219
- Hajós F, Garthwaite J, Garthwaite G, Csillag A (1989) Morphology of supravital brain slices pre-incubated in a physiological solution prior to fixation. Acta Morph. Hung. 37, 181-199.
- Csillag A., Bourne R.C., Kálmán M., Boxer M.I., Stewart M.G. (1989) Naloxone binding in the brain of the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus) determined by in vitro quantitative autoradiography. Brain Res. 479, 391-396. IF: 2,526
- Csillag A., Bourne R.C., Patel S.N., Stewart M.G., Tömböl T. (1989) Localization of GABA-like immunoreactivity in the ectostriatum of domestic chicks: GABA immunocytochemistry combined with Golgi impregnation. J. Neurocytol. 18, 369-379. IF: 2,679
- Csillag A., Bourne R.C., Stewart M.G. (1990) Distribution of mu-opioid, delta-opioid and kappa-opioid receptor binding sites in the brain of the one-day-old domestic chick (Gallus domesticus) – An in vitro quantitative autoradiographic study. J. Comp. Neurol. 302, 543-551. IF: 3,748
- Abramyan S.S., Csillag A., Srapionyan R.M., Mesropyan N.G., Galoyan A.A. (1990) Immunohistochemical localization of hypothalamic cardioactive protein-hormonal complexes in rat brain microstructures. Neurokhimiya 9, 316-325. (orosz nyelven)
- Csillag A. (1991) Large GABA cells of chick ectostriatum: anatomical evidence suggesting a double GABAergic disinhibitory mechanism. An electron microscope immunocytochemical study. J. Neurocytol. 20, 518-528. IF: 2,679
- Bourne R.C., Davies D.C., Stewart M.G., Csillag A., Cooper M. (1991) Cerebral glycoprotein synthesis and long-term memory formation in the chick (Gallus domesticus) following passive avoidance training depends on the nature of the aversive stimulus. Eur. J. Neurosci. 3, 243-248. IF: 4,303
- Székely A.D., Csillag A., Görcs T. (1992) Neuropeptide Y innervation of retinorecipient layers of chick optic tectum. J. Neurocytol. 21, 148-156. IF: 2,679
- Kálmán M., Csillag A., Schleicher A., Rind C., Hajós F., Zilles K. (1993) Long-term effects of anterograde degeneration on astroglial reaction in the rat geniculo-cortical system as revealed by computerized image analysis. Anat. Embryol. 187, 1-7. IF: 1,668
- Kálmán M., Székely A.D., Csillag A., (1993) Distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein-immunopositive structures in the brain of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). J. Comp. Neurol. 330, 221-237. IF: 3,515
- Montagnese C.M., Krebs J.R., Székely A.D., Csillag A. (1993) A subpopulation of large calbindin-like immunopositive neurones is present in the hippocampal formation in food-storing but not in non-storing species of bird. Brain Res. 614, 291-300. IF: 2,489
- Csillag A., Hajós F., Zilles K., Schleicher A., Schröder H. (1993) Matching localization of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and VIP-receptor at pre- and postsynaptic sites in the mouse visual cortex. J. Neurocytol. 22, 491-497. IF:2,679
- Zilles K., Hajós F., Csillag A., Kálmán M., Sótonyi P., Schleicher A. (1993) Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactive structures in the mouse barrel field. Brain Res. 618, 149-154. IF: 2,489
- Csillag A., Stewart M.G., Székely A.D., Maglóczky Z., Bourne R.C., Steele R.J. (1993) Quantitative autoradiographic demonstration of changes in binding to delta opioid but not mu or kappa receptors, in chick forebrain 30 minutes after passive avoidance training. Brain Res. 613, 96-105. IF: 2,489
- Székely A.D., Boxer M.I., Stewart M.G., Csillag A. (1994) The connectivity of the lobus parolfactorius of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). An anterograde and retrograde pathway tracing study. J. Comp. Neurol. 348, 374-393. IF: 3,515
- Csillag A., Székely A.D., Davies D.C. (1994) The termination pattern of medial hyperstriatum ventrale efferents in the archistriatum of the domestic chick. J. Comp. Neurol. 348, 394-402. IF: 3,515
- Maderspach K., Takács J., Niewiadomska G., Csillag A. (1995) Postsynaptic and extrasynaptic localization of kappa-opioid receptor in selected brain areas of young rat and chick using and anti-receptor monoclonal antibody. J. Neurocytol. 24, 478-486. IF: 2,679
- Hajós F., Csillag A. (1995) The remote astroglial response (RAR): A holistic approach for evaluating the effects of lesions of the central nervous system. Neurochem. Res. 20, 571-577. IF: 1,292
- Csillag A., Kabai P., Kovach J.K. (1995) Effects of diencephalic lesions on approach responses and color preferences in quail. Physiol. Behav. 58, 659-668. IF: 1,242
- Stewart MG, Kabai P, Harrison E, Steele RJ, Kossut M, Gierdalski M, Csillag A, (1996) The involvement of dopamine in the striatum in passive avoidance training in the chick. Neuroscience, 70, 7-14. IF: 3,219
- Montagnese CM, Csillag A (1996) Comparative distribution of NADPH-diaphorase activity and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the diencephalon and mesencephalon of the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). Anatomy and Embryology, 193, 427-439. IF: 1,754
- Csillag A , Székely AD, Stewart MG (1997) Synaptic terminals immunolabelled against glutamate in the lobus parolfactorius of domestic chicks (Gallus domesticus) in relation to afferents from the archistriatum. Brain Res. 750, 171-179. IF: 2,489
- Lohinai Zs, Székely AD, Benedek P, Csillag A (1997) Nitric oxide synthase containing nerves in the cat and dog dental pulp and gingiva. Neurosci. Lett. 220, 1-4. IF:2,021
- Davies DC, Csillag A, Székely AD, P. Kabai (1997) Efferent connections of the domestic chick archistriatum: A Phaseolus lectin anterograde tracing study. J. Comp. Neurol. 389, 679-693. IF: 3,515
- Kálmán M, Székely AD, Csillag A (1998) Distribution of glial fibrillary acidic protein and vimentin positive structures in the developing chicken brain from hatch to adulthood, Anat. Embryol, 198, 213-235., IF: 1, 754
- Csillag A (1999) Striato-telencephalic and striato-tegmental circuits: relevance to learning in domestic chicks, Behavioural Brain Research, Special Issue Avian Behavioural Neuroscience (Eds: A Csillag, AD Székely, MG Stewart), 98, 227-236. IF: 2,473
- Kabai P, Liker A, Csillag A (1999) Methamphetamine-induced stereotypies in newly-hatched decerebrated domestic chicks, Neurochem. Res., 24, 1563-1569. IF: 1,292
- Mezey S, Székely AD, Bourne RC, Kabai P, Csillag A (1999) Changes in binding to muscarinic and nicotinic cholinergic receptors in the chick telencephalon, following passive avoidance learning, Neurosci. Lett., 270, 75-78. IF: 2.021
- Varga V, Székely AD, Csillag A, Sharp T, Hajós M (2001) Evidence for a role of GABA interneurones in the cortical modulation of midbrain 5-hydroxy-tryptamine neurones, Neuroscience, 106, 783-792. IF: 3,219
- Mezey S, Csillag A. (2002) Selective striatal connections of midbrain dopaminergic nuclei in the chick (Gallus domesticus), Cell Tiss. Res. 308, 35-46. IF: 2,588
- Montagnese CM, Mezey SE, Csillag A (2003) Efferent connections of the dorsomedial thalamic nuclei of the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus), J. Comp. Neurol. 459, 301-326. IF: 3,848
- Mezey SE, Csillag A (2003) The light and electron microscopic characterization of identified striato-ventrotegmental projection neurons in the chick (Gallus domesticus), Neurosci. Res. 47, 299-308. IF: 1,812
- Reiner A, Perkel DJ, Bruce L, Butler AB, Csillag A et al. (2004) Revised nomenclature for avian telencephalon and some related brainstem nuclei, J. Comp. Neurol. 473, 377-414. IF: 3,400
- Montagnese CM, Székely AD, Ádám Á, Csillag A (2004) Efferent connections of septal nuclei of the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus): An anterograde pathway tracing study with a bearing on functional circuits, J. Comp. Neurol. 469, 437-456. IF: 3,400
- Kabai P, Stewart MG, Tarcali J, Csillag A (2004) Inhibiting effect of D1, but not D2 antagonist administered to the striatum on retention of passive avoidance in the chick, Neurobiol. Learn. Mem. 81, 155-158. IF: 4,443
- Reiner A, Perkel DJ, Bruce L, Butler AB, Csillag A et al. (2004) The avian brain nomenclature forum: Terminology for a new century in comparative neuroanatomy, J. Comp. Neurol. 473, E1-E6. IF: 3,400
- Bálint E, Kitka T, Zachar G, Ádám Á, Hemmings HC Jr, Csillag A (2004) Abundance and location of DARPP-32 in striato-tegmental circuits of domestic chicks, J. Chem. Neuroanat. 28, 27-36.IF: 1,879
- Erich D. Jarvis, Onur Güntürkün, Laura Bruce, András Csillag, Harvey Karten, Wayne Kuenzel, Loreta Medina, George Paxinos, David J. Perkel, Toru Shimizu, Georg Striedter, J. Martin Wild, Gregory F. Ball, Jennifer Dugas-Ford, Sarah Durand, Gerald Hough, Scott Husband, Lubica Kubikova, Diane W. Lee, Claudio V. Mello, Alice Powers, Connie Siang, Tom V. Smulders, Kazuhiro Wada, Stephanie A. White, Keiko Yamamoto, Jing Yu, Anton Reiner and Ann B. Butler (2005) Avian brains and a new understanding of vertebrate brain evolution, Nature Reviews: Neuroscience, 6, 151-159. IF: 20,951
- Csillag A., Montagnese CM. (2005) Thalamotelencephalic organization in birds, Brain Res. Bull. 66, 303-310. IF: 2,481
- Herberth B., Minko K., Csillag A., Jaffredo T., Madarasz E. (2005) SCL, GATA-2 and Lmo2 expression in neurogenesis, Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. 23. 449-463. IF: 2,089
- Aoki N., Suzuki R., Izawa EI, Csillag A., Matsushima T. (2006) Lesions of ventral striatum, but not arcopallium, enhanced impulsiveness in choices based on anticipated spatial proximity of food rewards in domestic chicks, Behav. Brain Res. 168, 1-12. IF: 2,591
- Ádám ÁS and Csillag A (2006) Differential distribution of L-aspartate and L-glutamate immunoreactive structures in the arcopallium and medial striatum of the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus), J. Comp. Neurol. 498, 266-276. IF: 3,831
- Aoki N, Csillag A, Matsushima T (2006) Localized lesions of arcopallium intermedium of the lateral forebrain caused a handling-cost aversion in the domestic chick performing a binary choice task, Eur. J. Neurosci. 24, 2314-2326. IF: 3,709
- Bálint E, Csillag A (2007) Nucleus accumbens subregions: hodological and immunohistochemical study in the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus), Cell Tiss. Res. 327, 221-230. IF: 2,613
- Csillag A, Bálint E, Ádám ÁS. Zachar G (2008) The organization of the basal ganglia in the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus): Anatomical localisation of DARPP-32 in relation to glutamate, Brain Res. Bull. 76, 183-191. IF: 2,281
- Ádám ÁS, Wenger T, Csillag A (2008) The cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant dose-dependently inhibits memory recall in the passive avoidance task in domestic chicks (Gallus domesticus), Brain Res. Bull. 76, 272-274. IF: 2,281
- Gibbs ME, Gibbs C, Csillag A, Matsushima T, Rogers L, Rostas J (2008) Brain mechanisms, cognition and behaviour in birds (Editorial), Brain Res. Bull. 76, 167-169. IF: 2,281
- Montagnese CM, Zachar G, Bálint E, Csillag A, (2008) Afferent Connections of Septal Nuclei of the Domestic Chick (Gallus domesticus). A Retrograde Pathway Tracing Study, J. Comp. Neurol., 511, 109-150. IF: 3,743
Books, book chapters, symposia
- Fonyó A., Csillag A., Ligeti E., Ritvay J. (1973) Quantitative aspects of the phosphate translocator of mitochondria as revealed by its mersalyl sensitivity. In: Mechanisms in Bioenergetics (eds. G.F. Azzone, L. Ernster, S. Papa, E. Quagliariello, N. Siliprandi), Acad. Press, New York & London, pp. 347-356.
- Hajós F., Csillag A. (1978) The effect of glutamate on the structure and K+-transport of synaptosomes. In: Amino Acids as Chemical Transmitters (ed. F. Fonnum), Plenum Press, New York, London, pp. 363-366.
- Csillag A. (1981) Potassium fluxes of isolated nerve endings monitored by a valinomycin-activated ion-selective membrane electrode in vitro. In: Ion-Selective Microelectrodes and their Use in Excitable Tissues (eds. E. Syková, P. Hník, L. Vyklicky), Plenum Press, New York, London, pp. 133-136.
- Csillag A. (1992) Quantitative autoradiography at the light- and electron microscope levels. In: Quantitative Methods in Neuroanatomy (M.G. Stewart, ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp. 3-25.
- Csillag A (1999) Anatomy of the Living Human. Atlas of Medical Imaging. Könemann, Cologne.
- Csillag A (2000) Der Menschliche Körper. Atlas der bildgebenden Verfahren in der Humanmedizin, Könemann, Cologne
- Csillag A (2000) Anatomie van de levende mens. Atlas van medische beeldvorming. Könemann, Cologne
- Csillag A (2000) Atlas dimagerie médicale. Anatomie de lêtre humain. Könemann, Cologne
- Csillag A (2000) Atlas de anatomía humana. Técnicas de imagen médicas. Könemann, Cologne
- Csillag A (2005) Atlas of the Sensory Organs. Functional and Clinical Anatomy. Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, USA
- Benis Sz, Csillag A (2006) A csontváz. Metabolikus csontbetegségek (szerk: Lakatos P. és Takács I.) Medintel Könyvkiadó, Budapest, p. 9-17.
- Benis Sz, Csillag A (2006) A csontváz egyedfejlődése. Metabolikus csontbetegségek (szerk: Lakatos P. és Takács I.) Medintel Könyvkiadó, Budapest, p. 17-21.
Conference abstracts
- Hajós F., Csillag A. (1980) Configurational changes of incubated synaptosomes in relation to K+fluxes. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 3, 151. IF: 2,090
- Wilkin G.P., Csillag A., Kingsbury A., Wilson J.E., Johnson A.L., Balázs R. (1980) Kinetics and localization of high affinity 3H-glycine uptake in rat cerebellum. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 5, 275. IF: 2,090
- Tozalakian P.V., Csillag A., Hajós F. (1980) The effect of GABA and other neuroactive substances on the potassium content of rat forebrain hemisphere synaptosomes. Proceedings of the 3rd Federal Meeting on the Physiology and Biochemistry of Neurotransmitters, Moscow, p. 200.
- Csillag A., Tozalakian P.V., Hajós F. (1980) Transmitter amino acids and the modulation of presynaptic membrane potential as revealed by monitoring K+ fluxes of synaptosomes. Proceedings of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Vol. XIV (XXVIII. Internat. Congr. Budapest), p. 365.
- Kálmán M., Csillag A. (1984) Differential effects of sodium channel blockers on synaptosomes. Acta Physiol. Hung. 63, 341-342.
- Rose S.P.R., Csillag A. (1985) Passive avoidance training increases deoxyglucose uptake in left hemisphere medial hyperstriatum ventrale and lobus parolfactorius in day-old chicks. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 22, 499. IF: 2,090
- Stewart M.G., Csillag A., Rose S.P.R. (1985) Alterations in the length of symmetrical synaptic junctions in the lobus parolfactorius of day-old chicks following passive avoidance training. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 22, 228. IF: 2,090
- Csillag A., Hajós F., Garthwaite J. (1985) EM autoradiography of pallidal tissue slices incubated with a tritiated enkephalin analogue and naloxone. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 21, 31.IF: 2,090
- Kálmán M., Csillag A. (1986) Effects of neuroactive agents influencing ion permeabilities on synaptosomal oxygen consumption. Acta Physiol. Hung. 68, 104-105.
- Boxer M.I., Csillag A., (1986) Afferent connectivity of the lobus parolfactorius (LPO) in the chick. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 24, 11. IF: 2,090
- Stewart M.G., Csillag A., Rose S.P.R. (1986) Passive avoidance training causes alterations in synaptic morphology in the paleostriatal complex of the chick forebrain. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 24, 48. IF: 2,090
- Csillag A., Stewart M.G., Curtis E.M., Rose S.P.R. (1986) GABAergic structures in the chick forebrain: An autoradiographic study combined with GABA immunocytochemistry. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 12, 443.
- Stewart M.G., Csillag A., Rose S.P.R. (1987) Morphological alterations in the paleostriatum augmentatum of the chick, Gallus domesticus, following passive avoidance learning. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 29, 101. IF: 2,090
- Csillag A., Stewart M.G., Curtis E.M. (1987) GABA in the chick telencephalon: An immunocytochemical study combined with autoradiography and Golgi impregnation. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 29, 109. IF: 2,090
- Csillag A., Bourne R.C., Kálmán M., Boxer M.I., Stewart M.G. (1987) Opioid receptor binding sites in the chick brain: A quantitative autoradiographic study. Neuroscience Suppl. 22, 303. IF: 2, 090
- Tömböl T., Maglóczky Z., Stewart M.G., Csillag A. (1987) Golgi architecture of chicken ectostriatum. Neuroscience Suppl. 22, 120. IF: 2, 090
- Bourne R.C., Csillag A., Stewart M.G. (1988) The distribution of mu and delta opioid receptors in the chick brain: A quantitative autoradiographic study. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 32, 14. IF: 2,090
- Stewart M.G., Bourne R.C., Chmielowska J., Kálmán M., Csillag A., Stanford D. (1988) A quantitative autoradiographic study of the distribution of 3H-muscimol binding to GABA receptors in the CNS of the chick. Neurosci. Lett. Suppl. 32, 20. IF: 2,090
- Csillag A. (1989) GABA immunoreactive cells in the ectostriatum of domestic chicken: An electron microscope study. Eur. J. Neurosci. Suppl. 2, 21. IF: 4,303
- Csillag A., Székely A.D. (1990) Targets of hyperstriatal afferents in the chick archistriatum. Eur. J. Neurosci. Suppl. 3, 275. IF: 4,303
- Székely A.D., Csillag A., Görcs T. (1991) NPY in subtelencephalic visual centres of domestic chick. Eur. J. Neurosci. Suppl. 4, 131. IF: 4,303
- Davies D.C., Csillag A., Székely A.D., Kabai P. (1991) The efferent connections of the domestic chick archistriatum. Eur. J. Neurosci. Suppl. 4, 21. IF: 4,303
- Csillag A., Montagnese C., Székely A.D., Krebs J.R. (1991) Calbindin-like immunoreactivity in the dorsomedial cortex (hippocampal region) of a non-storing and a storing bird. Eur. J. Neurosci. Suppl. 4, 69. IF: 4,303
- Székely A.D., Kálmán M., Csillag A. (1991) Peroxidase-positive reactive glia is present around stab wounds in the chick but not in rat brain. Verh. Anat. Ges. 85, (Anat. Anz. Suppl. 170), 573-574.
- Csillag A., Zilles K., Schleicher A., Hajós F. (1992) Matching localization of immunoreactive VIP and VIP receptor in the visual cortex. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 18, 1451.
- Csillag A, Stewart MG, Székely AD, Maglóczky Z, Bourne RC, Steele RJ (1992) Changes in binding to delta opioid receptors in chick forebrain following passive avoidance training. Song Learning and Imprinting Meeting, University of Groningen (Hollandia), Abs. Book p. 10.
- Csillag A., Kabai P., Kovach J.K. (1993) Unconditional approach preferences in the quail: effects of thalamic and midbrain lesions. Soc. Neurosci. Abs. 19, 1612.
- Kálmán M, Székely AD, Csillag A (1993) GFAP and vimentin in the developing chicken brain. Verh. Anat. Anz. Suppl. 175, 130.
- Montagnese C., Csillag A. (1994) Comparative distribution of NADPH-diaphorase and tyrosine hydroxylase in the diencephalon and brainstem of the domestic chick. Eur. J. Neurosci. Suppl. 7, p. 86. IF: 4,303
- Csillag A, Székely A.D., Stewart M.G. (1995) GABA and glutamate in chick LPO synapses in relation to archistriatal afferents. BRA Abstracts, Vol. 12. p. 41.
- Csillag A, Kovach J.K. (1995) Effect of dopaminergic agents on genetically selected or acquired colour preferences in quail. BRA Abstracts, Vol. 12, p. 65.
- Csillag A, Kovach J.K. (1995) Apomorphine attenuates genetically selected and acquired color preferences of quail. Fourth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Abstract Book, p. 381.
- Maderspach K, Bajenaru L, Cserpán E, Tóth P, Takács J, Csillag A, Schmidt P, Schröder H. (1995) Characterization and mapping of opioid receptors in brain tissue and in primary cultures by a monoclonal antibody of kappa-2-subtype specificity. Fourth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Abstract Book, p. 119.
- Maderspach K, Bajenaru L, Cserpán E, Tóth P, Takács J, Csillag A, Schmidt P, Schröder H. (1995) Characterization and mapping of opioid receptors in brain tissue and in primary cultures by a monoclonal antibody of kappa-2-subtype specificity. ENA Annual Meeting, European J. Neurosci. Suppl. 8., p. 13. IF: 4,303
- Csillag A, Cox K, Brzozowska-Prechtl A, Csikós T, Karten HJ (1995) Retinohypothalamic projections of galliform birds. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts Vol. 21. p. 652.
- Harrison E, Stewart MG, Kabai P, Csillag A, Swanson G (1995) Involvement of dopamine in the chick striatum in one-trial passive avoidance training. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts Vol. 21. p. 1229.
- Székely AD, Nagy G, Kálmán M, Csillag A, Meredith GE (1995) Reactive cell types around stab wounds in the avian brain. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts Vol. 21. p. 1305.
- Csillag A., (1996) Striato-telencephalic and striato-tegmental circuits: relevance to learning in domestic chicks. Avian Brain and Behaviour Meeting, Tihany, Abs. 16.
- Montagnese CM, Csillag A. (1996) Limbic circuits associated with thalamic and septal efferents in the domestic chick. Avian Brain and Behaviour Meeting, Tihany, Abs. 51.
40.Montagnese CM, Csillag A. (1996) Telencephalic efferents of the thalamic nucleus dorsomedialis anterior (DMA) in the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus). 2nd Meeting of European Neuroscience, Strasbourg, European J. Neurosci. Suppl. 9., p. 218. IF: 4,303
- Székely AD, Csillag A (1997) Calcium binding proteins in avian hippocampus under normal and ischemic conditions, Brain Res. Assoc. Abstr., 14, p. 71
- Csillag A, Bourne RC, Montagnese CM, Kabai P, Stewart MG (1997) Dopamine and noradrenaline receptor binding and thalamic input in telencephalic subregions of domestic chicks, relevance to prefrontal cortex, Soc. Neurosci. Abs. , 23, 1304
- Székely AD, Csillag A (1997) The posterolateral telencephalon projects on dorsomedial thalamus, striatum and hippocampus in chicks, Soc. Neurosci. Abs, 23, 1307
- Csillag A (1998) Neural correlates of early learning in the domestic chick, Japán Zoológiai Társaság Kongresszusa, Hiroshima
- Csillag A., Bourne, R. C., Székely A. D., Mezey Sz. and Kabai P.(1998). Acethylcholine receptor alterations in forebrain regions ofyoung post-hatch domestic chicks following passive avoidance learning.Neurobiology, 6(2): 176-177
- Székely AD, Hajós M, Csillag A (1998) Prefrontal efferents in the midbrain dorsal raphe nucleus of the rat, Eur J Neurosci, 10: Suppl 10, 9404 IF: 4,303
- Csillag A, Zachar G, Hemmings HJ Jr. (1999) Correlative ultrastructural distribution of a dopamin receptor-related phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) and L-glutamate in dopaminoceptive regions of chick brain, Fifth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Jerusalem.
- Mezey, Sz., Csillag, A. (1999). Selective striatal connections of mesencephalic dopaminergic nuclei. Neurobiology, 7(3): 356;
- Mezey, Sz., Csillag, A. (2000). Selective striatal connections of brainstem dopaminergic nuclei in the chick (Gallus domesticus). European Journal of Neuroscience,12 Suppl. 11: 165
IF: 4,303
- Zachar G, Hemmings HC Jr, Csillag A (2000) Distribution of DARPP-32 and mGluR1, and co-localisation with TH-positive elements in the basal ganglia and brainstem of domestic chicks, European Journal of Neuroscience,12 Suppl. 11: 135 IF: 4,303
- Matsushima T, Izawa E-I, Yanagihara S, Koga K, Csillag A (2000) Dopamine D1 receptor dependent long-term potentiation of excitatory synapses in lobus parolfactorius (homologue of caudate-putamen) in quail chick, European Journal of Neuroscience,12 Suppl. 11: 201 IF: 4,303
- Mezey, S., Csillag, A. (2001). Selective striatal connections of brainstem dopaminergic nuclei in the chick (Gallus domesticus). J. Anat., 198(3):344 IF: 1,384
- Mezey, Sz., Csillag, A. (2001). Origins of striatonigral and striatotegmental pathways in the chick. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 27(Program No. 855.15).
- Mezey, Sz., Csillag, A. (2002). Parallel processing in the striatotegmental pathway of the chick. Neurobiology, in press;
- Csillag, A., Mezey, Sz., (2002) Identified projection neurons of the domestic chick lobus parolfactorius: single-cell filling followed by electronmicroscopic characterization. Poszter, 32ndAnnual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (Orlando, USA);
- Csillag, A., Mezey, Sz., (2002) The light and electron microscopic characterisation of identified striato-ventrotegmental projection neurons in the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus). Poszter, Forum of European Neuroscience (Párizs);
- Bálint E., Kitka T., Csillag A. (2003) Quantitative analysis of reciprocal connections between the tegmentum and the medial striatum in the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus), Clinical Neuroscience 56/2, p. 9
- Csillag A. (2004) Thalamotelencephalic organization in birds, 4th European Conference on Comparative Neurobiology, Oxford, UK, Abstract Book p. 30.
- Csillag A, Ádám Á (2004) L-Aspartate and L-glutamate immunoreactivity in brain regions and terminals related to the medial striatum of domestic chicks, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA
- Székely AD, Montagnese CM, Csillag A (2005) Serotonergic innervation of the avian ventral tegmental area, MITT Congress 2005, Abstract Book p. 26.
- Kitka T, Csillag A (2005) Is avian choroidal vasodilation regulated by a bisynaptical anatomical circuit? MITT Congress 2005, Abstract Book p. 26.
- Bálint E, Csillag A (2005) Nucleus accumbens subregions: hodological and neurochemical analysis in the domestic chick, MITT Congress 2005, Abstract Book p. 26.
- Montagnese CM, Zachar G, Patai Á, Szabó A, Csillag A (2005) Afferent connectivity of the septal area in relation to motivation and learning of domestic chicks, MITT Congress 2005, Abstract Book p. 44.
- Ádám Á, Wenger T, Hungund BL, Csillag A (2005) Localization of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor in the chick brain and its implications in passive avoidance learning, MITT Congress 2005, Abstract Book p. 26.
- Zachar G, Aoki N, Kékesi AK, Juhász G, Kabai P, Csillag A (2005) Behaviour related changes in extracellular level of amino acids in the medial striatum of the domestic chick: An in vivo microdialysis study, MITT Congress 2005, Abstract Book p. 26.
- Csillag A., Montagnese C.M., Zachar G., Bálint E., Szabo A. (2005) Subpallial circuits with a bearing on motivation and learning, Avian Brain Conference, Budapest 2005, Abs. book p. 20.
- Bálint E., Csillag A. (2005) Nucleus accumbens subregions: hodological and neurochemical analysis in domestic chicks, Avian Brain Conference, Budapest 2005, Abs. book p. 14.
- Ádám Á., Wenger T., Hungund B.L., Csillag A. (2005) Localization of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor in the chick brain and its implications in passive avoidance learning, Avian Brain Conference, Budapest 2005, Abs. book p. 12.
- Kitka T., Csillag A. (2005) Is avian choroidal vasodilation regulated by a bisynaptical anatomical circuit? Avian Brain Conference, Budapest 2005, Abs. book p. 30.
- Montagnese C.M., Zachar G., Csillag A. (2005) Afferent connectivity of the septal area in relation to motivation and learning of domestic chicks, Avian Brain Conference, Budapest 2005, Abs. book p. 39.
- Székely AD, Hanics J, Csillag A. (2006) Glomerular synapse of the avian ventral tegmental area, Clinical Neurosci. 59, Abs. of IBRO Workshop, p. 61.
- Hanics J, Zachar G, Tóth Cs, Csillag A, Székely AD (2006) Tyrosine hydroxylase and serotonin containing elements within the ventral tegmental area of rat and chicken, Clinical Neurosci. 59, Abs. of IBRO Workshop, p. 25.
- Montagnese CM, Zachar G, Csillag A (2006) Afferent connectivity of the septal area in relation to motivation and learning of domestic chicks, Clinical Neurosci. 59, Abs. of IBRO Workshop, p. 48.
- Bálint E, Csillag A (2006) Nucleus accumbens subregions: hodological and immunohistochemical study in the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus), Clinical Neurosci. 59, Abs. of IBRO Workshop, p. 9.
- Csillag A, Zachar G, Ádám Á, Bálint E (2006) Amygdalo-striatal input regulating avoidance learning of domestic chick, Clinical Neurosci. 59, Abs. of IBRO Workshop, p. 18.
- Csillag A, Bálint E (2006) Nucleus accumbens subregions: hodological and immunohistochemical study in the domestic chick (Gallus domesticus), Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA
- Bálint E., Csillag A (2007) Efferent connections of the ventrobasal telencephalon in the domestic chick, Clinical Neuroscience, p. 8.
- Csillag A, Ádám ÁS, Bálint E, Zachar G (2007) Potential signaling role of aspartate in striatal synaptic circuits of the domestic chick, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA
- Bálint E, Csillag A (2007) Diencephalic and brainstem projections of the nucleus accumbens in the domestic chick, Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA
- Csillag A, Bálint E, Ádám ÁS, Zachar G (2007) Basal ganglia organization: relevance to motivation and learning in domestic chicks, IBRO Satellite Symposium, Brain Mechanisms, Cognition and Behaviour in Birds, Heron Island, Queensland, Australia
- Csillag A, Bálint E (2007) Afferent connectivity of the olfactory tubercle in the domestic chick, IBRO Satellite Symposium, Brain Mechanisms, Cognition and Behaviour in Birds, Heron Island, Queensland, Australia
- Csillag A, Ádám ÁS, Bálint E, Zachar G (2008) Potential signaling role of aspartate in striatal synaptic circuits of the domestic chick, IBRO International Workshop, Debrecen, Clin. Neurosci. 61, p.20
- Bálint E, Csillag A (2008) Diencephalic and brainstem projections of the nucleus accumbens in the domestic chick, IBRO International Workshop, Debrecen, Clin. Neurosci. 61, p.15.
Egyéb kongresszusi előadások
- Csillag A. (1982) Konvulzánsok hatása szinaptoszómák iontranszportjára, Elemi Ingerületi Mechanizmusok Szakmai Plénum, Szeged.
- Csillag A. (1983) Opiát kötőhelyek kimutatása EM autoradiográfia segítségével. MÉT Idegtudományi Szakosztály konferenciája, Pécs.
- Csillag A. (1988) GABAerg neurontípusok házicsirke telencephalicus magjaiban. MÉT Idegtudományi Szakosztály konferenciája, Veszprém.
- Kálmán M., Csillag A. (1988) GFAP-immunpozitív sejtek eloszlása házicsirke agyában. MÉT Idegtudományi Szakosztály konferenciája, Veszprém.
- Csillag A. (1990) GABA-immunpozitív neuron-elemek házicsirke ectostriatumban. MÉT Idegtudományi Szakosztály konferenciája (Neuroscientia), Szeged.
- Csillag A. Székely A.D. (1991) Neuropeptid Y-pozitív idegelemek a házicsirke látórendszerében. MÉT Idegtudományi Szakosztály konferenciája, Veszprém.
- Csillag A., Székely A., Maglóczky Zs., Steele R., Stewart M.G., (1992) Opiát receptor válaszok házicsirke előagyi területeiben tanulás hatására. MÉT Idegtudományi Szakosztály konferenciája, Visegrád.
- Székely A., Doubell T., Csillag A., Stewart M.G., (1992) A lobus parolfactorius és az agytörzsi katecholamin-tartalmú neuroncsoportok kapcsolata házicsirkében. MÉT Idegtudományi Szakosztály konferenciája, Visegrád.
- Csillag A., Kabai P., Kovach J.K. (1994) Közti-és középagyi léziók hatása genetikailag szelektált fürjek színpreferenciájára. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság Első Kongresszusa, Pécs.
- Csillag A. (1994) Receptor módosulások tanulás során. MTA Biológiai Osztály Ülésszak, Akadémiai Nagyhét, Budapest,1994 május 10.
- Csillag A., Kovach J.K. (1995) Apomorfin hatása fürjek öröklött és szerzett színpreferenciájára. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság II. Kongresszusa, Szeged.
- Maderspach K., Cserpán E., Takács J., Csillag A., Schmidt P., Schröder H. (1995) Kappa opioid receptorok finomszerkezeti elrendeződése emlős és madár agyszövet sejtjeiben: Fény és elektronmikroszkópos immunhisztokémia. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság II. Kongresszusa, Szeged.
- Csillag A., Kabai P., Stewart M.G., Tarcali J. (1996) Dopamin-tartalmú idegelemek és dopamin receptorok lokalizációja és funkciós változásai tanulás során, házicsirkében. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság III Kongresszusa, Balatonfüred.
- Kabai P., Csillag A., Stewart M.G. (1996) Tanulási és viselkedési válaszok a dopamin rendszerre ható vegyületek hatására házicsirkében. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság III Kongresszusa, Balatonfüred.
- Székely A.D., Csillag A. (1997) Kalciumkötő fehérje-tartalmú idegsejtek a madár hippocampusában normál és ischaemiás körülmények között. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság IV. Kongresszusa, Gödöllő.
- Montagnese C.M., Csillag A. (1997) A nucleus dorsomedialis anterior thalami telencephalicus efferensei házicsirkében. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság IV. Kongresszusa, Gödöllő.
- Csillag A, Bourne RC, Székely AD, Mezey Sz, Kabai P (1998) Acetilkolin-receptorok változásai házicsirke előagyában tanulás hatására, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság V. Konferenciája, Debrecen
- Csillag A (1998) Neural correlates of early learning in the domestic chick, Japán Zoológiai Társaság Kongresszusa, Hiroshima
- Mezey Sz, Csillag A (1999) Agytörzsi dopaminerg magcsoportok szelektív striatalis kapcsolatrendszere csirkében, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság VI. Konferenciája, Pécs-Harkány
- Zachar G, Ádám Á, Bálint E, Kitka T, Csillag A (2001) Dopaminerg és dopaminoceptív idegelemek korrelatív vizsgálata csirke striatumában és tegmentumában. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság VIII Konferenciája, Szeged
- Zachar G, Mezey S, Kabai P, Matsushima T, Csillag A (2001) Anatomical basis of plasticity in the basal ganglia and related regions of the domestic chick, in: Interface Between Systems, Brain Science and Neuroethology, Conference Okazaki, Japan
- Mezey S, Csillag A (2001) Párhuzamos jelfeldolgozás a csirke striatotegmentalis rendszerében kettős retrográd pályajelölés alapján. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság VIII Konferenciája, Szeged
- Zachar G, Izawa E-I, Mezey S, Csillag A, Matsushima T, Kabai P (2002) A bazális ganglionok szerepe madarak táplálék-diszkriminációs tanulásában, Magyar Viselkedés-élettani Konferencia, Budapest
- Bálint E, Kitka T, Csillag A (2003) Az agytörzsi dopaminerg magvak és a medialis striatum reciprok pályarendszereinek kvantitatív elemzése házicsirkében. Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság X. Konferenciája, Balatonfüred
- Bálint E, Csillag A (2007) A ventrobasalis előagy efferens kapcsolatai házicsirkében, Magyar Idegtudományi Társaság XI. Konferenciája, Szeged, p 182