If you have ever procrastinated, been jealous, or had hard time following your goals: THIS talk might change your life forever! Seriously. Adam Molnar shows us why our behavioural and emotional patterns are leading us to lose the control when we need it the most, and how to fix it. Just by understanding the way our brain works: you can beat procrastination, build better habits and even change the world, through following 3 easy, but crucial steps.


Adam is an ambiverted life hacker, entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, volunteer, social psychology researcher, and freelance software engineer, with a strong desire to create tools and experiments that can change the world, and make it a better place.

Location: Ceremonial Hall at the NET (Nagyvárad téri Elméleti Tömb)
Date: 22nd of February, 2017 (Wednesday) 6 p.m.