Summer Practice of Dental Assistance and Odontotechology and Prosthodontics Preclinical
Practice start at the Department of General Dental Preclinical Practice on the 8th of July for
the first group and on the 22nd July for the second group.
Dental Assistance Practice of the first group runs from 8th of July to 12th of July and
Odontotechology and Prosthodontics Preclinical Practice is from 15th of July to 21 of July.
Dental Assistance Practice of the second group runs from 22nd of July to 26th of July and
Odontotechology and Prosthodontics Preclinical Practice is from 29th of July to 2nd of
The practices are going to take place from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm at Dental Education Centre on
the second floor at Földvári Imre Educational Laboratory.
If you arrive after the start of the practice, the first 15 minutes will be recorded as a delay, and
any time over 15 minutes will be recorded as an absence.