Helyszín: MTA TTK, Big Hall, Budapest Magyar Tudósok Körútja 2.

Dátum: 2019.10.17.

{"name":"Albert Szent-Györgyi series: the lecture of Thomas J.J. Müller", "description":"

Invitation to the presentation Thomas J.J. Müller: Diversity Oriented One-pot Synthesis of Functional Heterocycles – Rapid Strategies to Novel Dyes and Kinase Inhibitors

MTA TTK, Big Hall", "startDate":"2019-10-17", "endDate":"2019-10-17", "startTime":"13:56", "endTime":"16:24", "location":"MTA TTK, Big Hall", "options":["Apple","Google","iCal","Microsoft365", "MicrosoftTeams", "Outlook.com"], "timeZone":"Europe/Budapest", "iCalFileName":"Albert Szent-Györgyi series: the lecture of Thomas J.J. Müller", "label":"Naptárba"}

Invitation to the presentation

Thomas J.J. Müller:
Diversity Oriented One-pot Synthesis of Functional Heterocycles – Rapid
Strategies to Novel Dyes and Kinase Inhibitors

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