Semester program
Lectures: Wednesdays 12:30-14:00 Online

1.Lecure: Role of communication in the pharmacy. Nonverbal communication, the role of empathy.

2. Lecture: Barriers of information delivery in patient education. Internet as source of health-related information.

3.Lecture: Model of behavioural change. Promoting lifestyle changes in the pharmacy. Different ways of persuasion.

4. Lecture: Principles of social media usage. Pharmaceutical usage of social media.

5. Lecture: Modern Infocommunication techniques in the pharmacy. Social media as the new pathway of info- communication.

6.Lecture: Modern ways of improving health literacy.

7. Lecture: Consultation


WEEK 8-14: Seminars

Group 1: 08:30-10:00 – EOK room 3. – Dr. Mónika Ditta Tóth

Group 2: 10:15-11:45 – EOK room 3. – Dr. Mónika Ditta Tóth

Group 3: 12:40-14:10 – Hőgyes kisterem – Kinga Babonits- Farkas

Group 4: 14:25-15:55 – Hőgyes kisterem – Kinga Babonits- Farkas

Requirements of the signature at the end of the semester:

The participation at minimum 75% of the practice seminars is the prerequisite of the signature. Presentation about the project work.

List of teaching materials: (List of textbooks, hand-outs, scripts, etc.)

Pilling, János: Medical Communication in practice. Medicina, Budapest, 2020.

Beardsley, RS. – Skrabal, MZ. – Kimberlin, CL: Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice. Wolters Kluwer. Seventh edition. 2020.