Course overview

Personal Development and Professional Socialisation in Healthcare


The aim of Semmelweis University is to train students who not only have a high level of professional knowledge, but also the ability to cope with the emotional stresses and challenges of the medical profession, to deal with the emotional burdens of medicine (failure, tragedy, death, dying, difficult patients) while remaining empathetic and avoiding burnout.


How does the course help?

  1. You can learn techniques for coping with stress during the academic years and after graduation.
  2. You can learn techniques how to remain effective and balanced even when are overwhelmed by negative emotions.
  3. It helps you to develop a more effective career plan and find opportunities for further skills development across the six years of the curriculum.


Signature requirements:

Active participation in 75% of the classes. Submission of a feedback essay (one page minimum, two pages maximum) elaborating which were the most useful techniques for you among those that you have learnt, based on the following questions:

  1. How did the learning techniques you chose for your type of learning work for you during the semester?
  2. Which stress management techniques helped you the most?
  3. Did situations arise in which stabilising techniques could be tried?
  4. How do you plan to use and develop the skills in your current career plan over the next six years?


Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine – single, long-cycle medical training

Name of the host institution (and any contributing institution):

Magatartástudományi Intézet / Institute of Behavioural Sciences


Name of the subject: Orvosi személyiségfejlesztés és pályaszocializáció

in English: Personal Development and Professional Socialisation in Healthcare

in German: Medizinische Grundkompetenzen und berufliche Sozialisation


Credit value: 3

Semester: 1

(in which the subject is taught according tot he curriculum)


Hours per week: 2

Lecture: 0

Practical lesson: 2

Seminar: 0


Type of course: obligatory


Academic year: 2024/2025


Language of instruction (for optional and elective subjects): English


Course code:


(in the case of a new course, to be completed by the Dean’s Office, following approval)


Course coordinator name: Dr. György Purebl, director of the Institute

Course coordinator location of work, telephone availability: Institute of Behavioural Sciences, +36(1)210-2953

Course coordinator position: Director of the Institute and Professor

Course coordinator Date and number of habilitation: June 5, 2019


Objective of instruction and its place in the curriculum:

To develop the ability of first year students to increase self-awareness, emotion regulation and mental health protection. The student will be able to consciously choose the appropriate psychological tools to achieve their desired learning goals to their own needs and to work with patients in emotionally saturated situations.


Method of instruction (lecture, group work, practical lesson, etc.):

Practice: Small group activities, role play, CBCL, self-awareness, stress management and emotion regulation training


Competencies acquired through completion of course:

Practice: The student will be able to

Improve their learning performance by using effective learning methods

Deal more effectively with stressful situations encountered during theoretical and practical training

Assess their emotions more effectively

Apply targeted stress management and emotional regulation techniques appropriate tot he situation and his/her needs

through skill-based practical competence development, self-awareness, stress management and emotion regulation training


Course outcome (names and codes of related subjects):

AOKMAG1079_1A, AOKBOK784_1A, AOKBHK1118_2A, AOKBOK1112_1A


Prerequisites for course registration and completion: (CODE):


In case of multi-semester course, position ont he possibility of and conditions for concurrent registration:



The number of students required to start the course (minimum, maximum), student selection method:


Detailed course syllabus (if the course can be divided into modules, please indicate):

(Theoretical and practical instruction must be broken down into hours (weeks), numbered separately; names of instructors and lecturers must be listed, indicating quest lecturers/instructors. It cannot be attached separately! For guest lecturers, attachment of CV is required in all cases!)


1.INTRODUCTION (180 minutes): Getting to know each other, setting goals, professional identity, types of learning, planning.

2.LEARNING METHODS and STRESS MANAGEMENT (180 min): motivation, willpower, dealing with emotional distress: identifying thoughts and emotions

3.STRESS MANAGEMENT (180 min): Developing stress tolerance

4.STRESS MANAGEMENT (180 min): Stabilisation techniques for high emotional arousal

5.RESILIENCE (180 min) Advantages and disadvantages of competition, perfectionism, failure management

6.RESILIENCE (180 min): Peer support, lifestyle planning to prevent burnout

7.RESILIENCE (180 min) Long-term skills development planning for career choices


Other course with overlappig topics (obligatory, optional, or elective courses) in interdisciplinary areas. To minimalize overlaps, topics should be coordinated. Code(s) of courses (to be provided):

AOKMAG1079_1A, AOSMAG1041e1m


Requirements for attendance, options for making up missed sessions, and method of absence justification:

Missing only one module is accepted


Assessment methods during semester (number, topics, and dates of midterms and reports, method of inclusion in the course grade, opportunities for make-up and improvement of marks):

Role-plays, simulation exercises


Number and type of individual assignment to be completed, submission deadlines:



Requirements for the successful completion of the course:

Active participation on the 75% of practices


Type of assessment:

gyakorlati vizsga_en


Examination requirements (list of examination topics, subject areas of tests, lists of mandatory parameters, figures, concepts and calculations, practical skills, optional topics for the project assignement recognized as an exam and the criteria for its completion and evaluation)

One (min) or two (max) pages written feedback


Method and type of grading (Share of theoretical and practical examinations in the overall evaluation. Inclusion of the results in the end-of-term assessment. Possibilities of and conditions for offered grades):

Based on active participation and written feedback


List of coursebooks, textbooks, study aids and literature facilitating the acquisition of knowledge to complete the course and included in the assessment, precisely indicating which requirement each item is related to (e.g. topic by topic) as well as a list of important technical and other applicable study aids; possibility of individual or group student consultation, if available:

Type: Egyéb_en

Required: No


Signature of habilitated instructor (course coordinator) announcing the course:


Signature of the director of the host institution:


For the registered students online resources will be available in the moodle.

Structure of the course


1.INTRODUCTION (180 minutes): Getting to know each other, setting goals, professional identity, types of learning, planning.

2.LEARNING METHODS and STRESS MANAGEMENT (180 min): motivation, willpower, dealing with emotional distress: identifying thoughts and emotions

3.STRESS MANAGEMENT (180 min): Developing stress tolerance

4.STRESS MANAGEMENT (180 min): Stabilisation techniques for high emotional arousal

5.RESILIENCE (180 min) Advantages and disadvantages of competition, perfectionism, failure management

6.RESILIENCE (180 min): Peer support, lifestyle planning to prevent burnout

7.RESILIENCE (180 min) Long-term skills development planning for career choices