Undergraduate course in Dermatology:

The timetable of the rotations is available on our website and on the notice board on the high ground floor. We recommend checking the current timetable before the start of the rotation.

  1. Rotation: 09th of September 2024 – 27th of September 2024,   
  2. Rotation: 23th of September 2024 – 11th of October 2024,  
  3. Rotation: 14th of October 2024 – 01th of November 2024, 
  4. Rotation: 28th of October 2024 – 15th of November 2024, 
  5. Rotation: 18th of November 2024 – 06th of Dezember 2024, 
  6. Rotation: 02th of Dezember 2024 – 20th of Dezember 2024, 
  7. Rotation: 13th of January 2024 – 31th of January 2024, 
  8. Rotation: 27th of January 2024 – 14th of February 2024, 
  9. Rotation: 17th of February 2024 – 07th March 2024, 
  10. Rotation: 03th of March 2024 – 21th of March 2024, 
  11. Rotation: 28th of April 2024 – 16th of May 2024, 
  12. Rotation: 12th of May 2024 – 30th of May 2024, 
General information
  • In the block teaching with personal attendance, the rotations consist of 3 weeks. During the first two weeks of the training, lectures and interactive PBL (problem based learning) sessions will be held in the classroom of the clinic, while outpatient and inpatient clinical exercises will be held in small groups according to the current timetable. An examination is organised in the third week.

  • Before the class practicals, please gather in the high-floor lobby, where the changing rooms are located. Robes for the drill are available at the desk. 

  • Both the practical and theoretical parts of the examinations are completed in person.

  • A study competition (written test) will be held on the last teaching day of the second week of each course. In addition to the first three places, students who pass the test are exempted from the practical part of the exam. The other students will have to take a practical test on the day of the theoretical exam. If you fail the colloquium, you will be given the opportunity to make up the exam in subsequent rounds.

  • In the practical examination, you will be tested on your ability to recognise elementary symptoms, to define them and to make dermatological diagnoses relevant to general medical practice.

  • A list of the topics for the theoretical examination is available on the website under Examination items. The examination will be conducted by oral presentation of the topics.

  • You can register for the exam via Neptun.

  • The use of smartphones, tablets or other written or electronic aids is prohibited during the examination and electronic devices must be locked away in the locker or handed in to the examiner before the practical examination.

The Director of the Clinic, Prof. Dr. Péter Holló, and the person in charge of English studies, Dr. Kende Lőrincz, wish you a good study.

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