Basic Surgical Techniques

2023/2024 Academic Year Second Semester


Location: NET-Z Lecture Hall 

13/February Dr. Andrea Ferencz: Introduction and the curriculum of the department. The structure and equipments of the operating room. /deputy: Prof. Dr. József Sándor

20/February Prof. Dr. József Sándor: Asepsis, antisepsis, desinfection. Surgeon in the operating room. Prevention of Surgical Site Infection (SSI). /deputy:  Dr. Andrea Ferencz

27/February Dr. Daniella Fehér: Basic surgical tools and suture materials. /deputy: Prof. Dr. József Sándor

5/March Dr. Béla Debreczeni: Basic and special suturing techniques in surgery. /deputy: Prof. Dr. József Sándor 

12/March Dr. Masashi Yoshida: Surgical procedures: acute, elective. Preoperative patient management. Surgical approaches. /deputy: Dr. Andrea Ferencz

19/March Dr. Györgyi Szabó: Classification and management of wounds, principle of wound-healing. Haemorrhage and bleeding control. /deputy: Dr. Andrea Ferencz 

26/March Prof. Dr. József Sándor: Basics of laparoscopic surgery. /deputy: Dr. Andrea Ferencz



Each group has seven practices in the semester, so you have to attend the course every second week. (Week ’A’ starts the Semester)

The topics of the practices:

  1. Basic suturing techniques on the skill models (simple interrupted suture). Basic surgical instruments and their usage.
  2. Getting acquainted with the operating room, rules and behavior in the operating room, scrubbing-in and preparation of the surgical field. Knotting techniques.
  3. Basic suturing techniques on ex-vivo animal model (interrupted sutures).
  4. Basic suturing techniques on ex-vivo animal model (continuous sutures).
  5. Demonstration of the laparoscopic tower and instruments.
  6. Practicing eye-brain-hand coordination and fine hand movements using a laparoscopic pelvitrainer.
  7. Practical exam

PLEASE NOTE! During each course proper nail hygiene is necessary (fingertip-high nails). In addition, use of nail-polish, artificial nails, any jewelry, including watches are prohibited. Offenders of this policy will take part in the practice but this will be an absent.

Practices that should be retaken in the 2nd Semester:

4th practice week ‘B’ Monday, 1/April gr. 14, 16 

RETAKING DATE: Friday (5/April) from 8.00 to 10.15

6th practice week ‘B’ Wednesday 1/May gr. 6, 8, 10, 12

RETAKING DATE for gr. 10, 12: 3/May Friday from 8.00 to 10.15

RETAKING DATE for gr. 6, 8: 3/May Friday from 10.30 to 12.45

The 7th practice is the practical part of the exam. Please, participate in your original group.


Presence-absence at the practices

Presence-absence at the practices
„Basic surgical techniques” practices will be held seven times during the semester. The attendance is mandatory for each practice. The presence will be regularly checked and documented by the Department. EVERYBODY SHOULD VISIT THE GROUP PRACTICES IN WHICH HE OR SHE IS REGISTERED IN THE NEPTUN. Due to the fact that the capacity of the Operating Lab is limited it is not allowed to have more than 12 students in a group – 10 registered place + 2 free place for re-taking the missed practice. The number of missed practices and lectures may not exceed more than 25%. That means only ONE absence is acceptable during the semester. If any student misses two or more practices, the Department will refuse to sign the subject. Due to the limited capacity of the Operating Lab, only one absence can be repeated during the semester after registration (HERE) by joining another group.

Everybody should register for himself/herself. We do not register anybody!

Practice location

Practice location From the 1st to 4th and the 7th practices are taking place in the Operating Lab (OL) in the NET building. OL is accessed from the Main Hall of the NET. Follow the signs down by the stairs. The 5th and the 6th practices will be held partly in the 3rd Seminar room (gathering at OL).

Security and lost objects

Security and lost objects
At the first lesson, students will acknowledge in writing that they understand and accept the rules and regulations of the labor safety and fire service during the surgical practices. In the Operating Lab lockers are available to place all values. The Department of Experimental Cardiology and Surgical Techniques recommends to practice vigilance and you must not leave your personal values – such as jeweler, watches or others – in unsafe areas or accidentally in the pockets of the scrubbing suits. The department and its management cannot be reliable for the lost or stolen items. On the other hand, if anything is being lost or misplaced, you may contact: Ibolya Schum and Karolina Csépke  assistants (NET, Operating Theatre, Phone: tel:+36-1-459-1500 ext.: 56378; email:

The lost and found objects will be stored by the end of the semester. If nobody comes for them, they will be offered!


Preparation materials:


Lectures and the slides


The colloquium is divided into two parts
1. Practical exam

The practical exam is thaken in the 7th practice.

The requirements in the practical exam:

  • Scrub-in, gowning and gloving
  • Recognize basic surgical intruments (see the list)
  • Demonstrate the hand-tie knots
  • Demonstrate a suture line in an ex vivo tissue (interrupted and continuous)
  • Recognize the laparoscopic instruments
  • FLS in Pelvitrainer

If someone gets 0 points for BOTH scrub-in-gowning-gloving procedure AND for the suture line she/he fails immediately.

  1. Theoretical exam is a written test in the exam period.

The points of practical  (maximum 60 points) and theoretical exam (maximum 40 points) are summaried that results in ONE final grade.  We cannot handle the results separately.

0-59,99 points: failed (1)
60-69,99 points: satisfactory (2)
70-79,99 points: moderate (3)
80-89,99 points: good (4)
90-100 points: excellent (5)

If you failed, you have to repeat both parts of the exam independently from the points you got separately in the parctical or in the theoretical part.

If you want to improve your grade you must repeat the practical + theoretical parts of the exam again! You can improve in the exam period after you have both the practical and the theoratical results.


Competitions in the 2nd semester

Sutura competition – to the selected students who are the most skilful in exercises the competition will be held on the 9th of April at 8.00 a.m.

Instrument competition – online, for anyone who would like to participate. Date: 9th April at 19.00 p.m.

Laparoscopic competition – to the selected students who are the most skilful in exercises the competition will be held on the 30th of April at 8.00 a.m.

Laparoscopic instrument competition – online, for anyone who would like to participate. Date: 30th of April at 19.00 p.m.


Exam results

Action Plans