Nagyvárad tér Theoretical Building (NET) 
1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4. 

The building is relatively easy to get to, as it is directly accessible by several means of public transportation. Alongside metro line M3, which stops at Nagyvárad tér, tram lines 23 and 24 both stop almost directly in front of the building. 

The NET is one of the tallest high-rise buildings in Hungary, with 22 floors in total. It houses laboratories and the headquarters of several of the university’s departments, connected by a stairwell where the NET Running event is annually held. However, first you’ll encounter the lower floors, where lectures, seminars and practicals take place. While outside, if you go up one of the staircases to the left of the tower, you will find yourself in front of the main entrance, but if you turn right just after the stairs, you will find yourself in the Student Centre, colloquially known as “the Aquarium”. Here, you will also find the head offices of the Instructors’ Self-Active Group (IÖCS) and the Students’ Union (HÖK). If you walk through the main entrance, you will find yourself in a huge lobby, where, if you take a look around starting to your left, you will see the Medical Specialists’ Shop (Rextra), followed by the Legendus Bookshop, and then the University’s cafeteria and restaurant with their seats and tables. To the right of the main entrance you’ll find the reception office, where you can ask for help at any time. To the left of the reception office, a corridor opens from which the elevators can be accessed. From the right side of the lobby, immediately recognizable, wide staircases lead up to the “flat”, where you will find the two large lecture halls (green and brown), several seminar rooms and laboratories (marked SZ and L), and, immediately to the left of the stairs, the Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Medicine, where administrative tasks are performed. From the right corner, a corridor leads to the Study Centre (DC) and the gallery above the lobby, commonly referred to as the ”bridge”, where there is always a place to study during the day or just relax in a relatively quiet place. Heading left from the Lobby, you will find the normally-empty Conference Room, and on its left side, you’ll find the Auditorium, generally used for major occasions like the year-opening ceremony. You will also soon find new student spaces in this area, currently under construction, where you’ll have further places to study or relax. 


Basic Medical Science Center (EOK) 

1094 Budapest, Tűzoltó utca 37-43. 

The easiest way to get here is to take the M3 metro to the stop at “Semmelweis Klinikák”. From there, the EOK’s building is only 4-5 minutes of walking distance away. On the way from the stop to the building, you’ll walk by Dean’s College Hotel, where you can expect smaller and larger gatherings from the summer onwards, which you are welcome to join into. 

Upon entering the EOK, you will be greeted by a spacious, bright lobby from where the lecture halls open. You will also find a cafeteria, should you get hungry. There are also plenty of tables and chairs where you can study or just chat. The EOK Library opens from a corridor located opposite the main entrance. In the lobby, you’ll also find the Semmelweis Shop, where you can find a wide variety of clothes, mugs, pens, phone cases and other merchandise. The first floor houses various departments’ practice rooms, seminar and consultation rooms. This is where the Biophysics, Medical Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physiology practicals are held. Therefore, if you enroll in the General Medicine or Dentistry programmes, you will spend the majority of your first two years here, but you will also come here often as a pharmacy student. On the other floors, you will find research laboratories, and offices of the departments responsible for the aforementioned subjects. 


“Kútvölgyi Building: the “Well”, aka András Pető Faculty 

1125 Budapest, Kútvölgyi út 8. 

Easily accessible from Széll Kálmán tér (itself available via metro line M2) by taking one of several buses. We believe the best choice is line 155, as it stops closest to the entrance. 

If you are going to study to become a conductor, this is the building where all the theoretical training will take place, and if you are specializing in kindergarteners, your practical training will take place here too. The András Pető Faculty has two buildings, one for the kindergarten, and another in which you’ll find the Student and Career Office and the Students’ Union office on the ground floor. Your lectures will also take place in the latter building. There are no large lecture rooms, only 7 smaller ones, where you can only lean against the backs of the chairs with caution. There is an auditorium, in which the PE lessons are also held (after some packing and reorganization). Unfortunately, there is no cafeteria here, but there is a working microwave and kettle. The Semmelweis Clinic next door, however does have a cafeteria. If you intend to visit it, make sure you manage your time wisely, as lecturers are very unimpressed with students being late for class. For students who want to relax, the students’ room downstairs, with its armchairs and mattresses, is a great place to do so.” 


Villányi Building: The Pető Institute 

1118 Budapest, 67 Villányi Street. 

Getting here is quite easy, you have to get off at the Pető Institute bus stop (155), just as you would for the Kútvölgyi building, but without any further walk. 

This building is the very first in the history of Pető András Faculty, so you might be surprised by its size, as it is a primary school. It’s also a hostel for the children who study there and a dormitory for the students. During your first year, you will probably spend a semester here. 

On the ground floor are the senior classes and the laboratory, as well as the medical and nursing services. The first floor contains the preparatory and junior classes, along with a gym. On the second floor there is the library, the assembly hall, the boarding rooms and the dormitories. 

Descending to the basement, a large storage room is located and outside there is a wide courtyard. 

Despite the fact that medical care and therapies take place here, there is no hospital atmosphere, as the walls are decorated with tables and paintings and the corridors are filled with equipment on display, creating a really homely atmosphere. 


Language Institute 

1094 Budapest, 15 Ferenc square. 

The Institute can also be approached from the Mester utca tram stop and from the EOK. 

It is located in a very nice area with a playground and a small park with shadow-giving trees and benches. This means if you need some peace and tranquillity after classes, you don’t have to walk far. There is also a jogging track for those who wish to do a bit of exercise. 

The easiest way to reach the institute is from the direction of EOK. With EOK behind you, there’s a small street with an archway on the left that leads to Ferenc Square. 

Here you will see the green-beige building of the Language Institute. If you are a student of the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry or Pharmaceutical Sciences, this is where your Latin and all other language classes will be held. 

Faculty of Health Sciences – Erkel Street Building 

1046 Budapest, Erkel Ferenc utca 26. 

It is about a 15-minute walk from Újpest Centre, the last stop of the M3 metro line, and can also be reached by bus and tram. If you are studying to become a paramedic, this is the place to be. Classes are held on the lower floors, as the upper floor of the building is part of the Bókay dormitory. 

The lecture halls are on the ground floor and the cafeteria is also on this floor, down the corridor to the left. 

On the first floor, there are the rooms of the Terminology and Communication Department, the classrooms of the foreign language and computer courses. The Latin, English, and German classes for the paramedic students are held here. 

The basement is home to the paramedics and the Oxiology Department. Here is the Oxi Arena, which is unique in Hungary and even in Europe, because it has everything from a construction site to a pub or a car that you might encounter in real life during your paramedic career. 


Faculty of Health Sciences – Vas Street Building 

1088 Budapest, Vas utca 17. 

It can be reached from several directions. From Kálvin square it is about 10 minute’s walk, from Astoria it is about the same time, but if you are late, you can also take a bus for 1 stop to “Urania”. Blaha Lujza square is about a 5-8 minute walk. 

This is the building where the training of midwives, nurses, health visitors, public health inspectors, optometrists, dieticians and voice, speech, and swallowing therapists takes place. 

The main entrance takes you into the lobby. On the left is the Study Department and the Student Office, and on the right is the cloakroom, which is useful in winter. 

On the ground floor, you will find our excellent cafeteria, with an indoor dining area and a lovely outdoor area where you can sit and enjoy the nice weather. On this floor, you will also find the Students’ Union office, where you can borrow a white coat for your practicals if you forget to bring your own, but please note that we only have a limited number of these available. 

We also have an “Ovi” area where you can study, eat your lunch, talk to each other, or use one of the computers that are also located there. If you bring your own lunch, you can use the microwave room to heat it up. 

This is a 5-story building, the classrooms and departments on each floor are numbered starting with the floor number. 


University of Óbuda – John Neumann Faculty of Computer Science 

1036 Budapest, Bécsi út 96/b 

To get here, take tram 4-6 from “Corvin negyed” to the Buda side of Margaret Bridge. Change to tram no. 17, 19 or 41 and get off at the Katinyi Mártírok útja stop, from where it is a two-minute walk. 

As a student of the Faculty of Public Health, you will have your lectures here, in addition to NET, EOK, Tömő út, and Hőgyes. 


Physical Education Facilities (Zágrábi Street Sports Ground) 

1103 Budapest, Zágrábi utca 14. 

It is an 8-10 minute walk from the M3 metro/bus stop “Pöttyös utca”. 

This facility is used for various recreational events and also for student training sessions in various sports such as football, handball, volleyball, and basketball.