1. Call for Applications

We kindly ask you to read the entire guidelines for applications, which contains the application conditions in detail.

Guidelines for Application

2. Target Countries for Mobility, Amount of Support


Students participating in a short-term study program can apply for a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 30 days of funding for research activities conducted at a university, hospital, or other healthcare institution.

The mobility period must be completed no later than August 31, 2026.

A student may participate in multiple mobility programs (not simultaneously); however, within a single study cycle, the total duration of mobility cannot exceed 12 months.

The scholarship amount awarded under this application depends on the length and type of the mobility period, as well as the host country. The grant may not fully cover the actual expenses incurred!


3. Who Can Apply for Research Mobility?

Students enrolled at Semmelweis University may submit an application if they simultaneously meet all of the following criteria:

  • At the time of this application, master’s students must have completed at least one semester, while students in undivided programs must have completed at least seven semesters.
  • For doctoral students, the application process is managed by the Doctoral School.
  • They have active student status at the time of application.
  • They will maintain active student status with the university during the mobility period.
  • They are Hungarian citizens or legally reside in Hungary as refugees, asylum seekers, beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, immigrants, permanent residents, or individuals with the right to free movement and residence under the law.
  • They have at least intermediate-level language proficiency in English or the language of the host country.
  • They have an outstanding academic, scientific, or community engagement record.
  • They possess a signed letter of support from their supervisor.


4. Submitting the Application

Applications can be submitted continuously within the time interval specified in point 1, but it is recommended to submit the application at least 2 months before the planned start of the mobility.

Applications should be submitted via email to pannonia@semmelweis.hu.

The email must include the following information:

  • Applicant’s name
  • Neptun code
  • Faculty, year of study
  • Research location (country, city)
  • Start and end date of the research mobility

The following documents must be attached to the email:

  • A certificate of active student status valid at the time of submission
  • A supporting statement signed by the applicant’s supervisor, confirming that the completed research activity will be recognized as part of the student’s academic progress
  • A declaration confirming that the applicant will maintain active student status during the mobility period

declaration template

  • Signed professional CV
  • Certificates of academic, scientific, and community activities (see list of certificates)



5. Missing Documentation

Missing documents can be submitted once, and they must be sent to the Mobility Office within two working days of the notification (do not upload them to the system). During the application check, the coordinator will specifically draw attention to the missing documents via electronic communication. If the applicant does not correct the error, or corrects it improperly or late, the application will be rejected without further consideration.

6. Evaluation

Applications that are fully submitted will be evaluated within two weeks, and the Mobility Office will notify the applicant in writing (including electronically) about the results.

The university’s goal is to send the most talented and capable students for professional practice abroad, so academic performance, scientific, professional, and community activities, as well as language skills, are decisive in selecting the applicants.

Preference is given to applicants whose mobility is aimed at institutions abroad that are ranked in the top 250 in the Times Higher Education or Quacquarelli Symonds international university rankings.

7. Appeal

If a student disagrees with their preliminary points (calculated differently, or the score is unclear), they can file a written objection, which can be submitted in person to the Directorate of International Relations through the International Mobility Office. The objection must include the data necessary to identify the application, as well as the contested action or omission. 

If the successful applicant does not wish to use the awarded support or, despite the successful application, does not want to participate in the program, they are obliged to immediately notify the Directorate of International Relations in writing. In such a case, the application decision becomes invalid for that student.