What Should You Obtain Before Leaving the Host Country and What Needs to Be Done After Returning Home to Complete the Documentation and Successfully Close the Mobility?

1. Certificates

The following documents must be signed by the host institution and presented in their original form at the Mobility Office after returning home. If it is not possible to bring the original document, please send a scanned copy (not a photo!) to the Mobility Office.

Certificate of Attendance

This document confirms the duration of the student’s exchange period, including the start and end dates. 


Confirmation of Conference Participation

The performance certificate received from the host institution (Transcript of Records / Learning Agreement for Studies – “After the Mobility” section) must be submitted to the Mobility Office within two weeks after returning home. Incomplete documentation may result in the student being required to repay the scholarship. If the delay is due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, this must be reported in writing to the Mobility Office.


Decision/Statement on Recognition

The certificate of completed courses must be submitted to the Dean’s Office/Clinic/Institute for the recognition of previously approved subjects and activities. The confirmation or official statement regarding the recognition must also be forwarded to the Mobility Office.


2. Completion of the Pannónia Survey

After returning home, it is mandatory to complete the survey related to the scholarship. The link to the questionnaire will be sent via email after the official end date specified in the agreement.


3. Writing a Report

Prepare a report about your experiences and insights from your time abroad and send it to us via email so that we can publish it on our website. Please send the report with your signature.

This will be highly valuable for future exchange students! We would also greatly appreciate any photos, videos, blog posts, or other content you created during your mobility, which could help make our website more engaging and inspire other students to embark on a similar adventure.

Útmutató A BESZÁMOLÓ megírásához


+1 Send Us a Postcard! 

We collect postcards and would love to receive one from your destination!

Semmelweis University
International Mobility Office (Erasmus Office)
1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4.


We hope you had a fantastic time and gained experiences and memories to last a lifetime!

Although your international academic mobility has come to an end, remember that there are many other mobility programs to choose from in the future.