Congratulations on your successful Erasmus+ application to Semmelweis University! Before you arrive, there are a few things to arrange to ensure a smooth start of your mobility.

1. Medical check-up

Before you start your mobility at Semmelweis University, you need to get some medical examinations done in your home country. You will also have to fill out some documents together with your family doctor (GP) that are required for an aptitude test. You will have to undergo a compulsory aptitude test after you arrive in Budapest so that you can take part in practical courses at the university. Please, bring the results and the completed forms with you and present them to the Occupational Health Officer at Semmelweis University after your arrival.

You can find the detailed list of the examinations and the downloadable forms required for the aptitude test on the page “Medical Reports and aptitude test”.


2. Before arrival

Make sure that you plan your flight so that you arrive at least 1 week before the start of your mobility. There are a couple of administrative and other mandatory tasks that have to be be completed so that you can start your mobility at Semmelweis University.

We also suggest that you get a European Health Insurance Card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during stay in Hungary. However, we suggest that you get temporary private insurance in Hungary after you arrive.

We have also put together a guide with some useful information on Semmelweis University, Budapest and Hungary in general to help you prepare for your stay. The dates for the academic year 2022/23 are to be updated soon.