Faculty of Medicine

Official Facebook group for the first year students can be found HERE.

The Faculty of Medicine is the largest faculty of Semmelweis University, where almost four thousand students study in Hungarian, English and German. Due to the large number of students, all freshman grades, including Yours, are divided into smaller groups, marked by letters A to H (Hungarian faculty) or numbers 1 to 14 (English faculty).

The staff of the Directory of International Students will assist you in managing your study affairs. Each grade has its own contact personnel who will be at your disposal. You can find the Directorate of International Studies in the Basic Medical Science Center (EOK) on the first floor, room 1.604 a.

The so-called modular education is provided and the six-year training period can be divided into three modules accordingly. The three modules in chronological order are: theoretical module (first and second grade), preclinical module (third grade) and clinical module (fourth, fifth and sixth grade).

The theoretical module is mostly about getting used to university life and mastering the seemingly endless curriculum that lays the foundation for later years. Here you will learn what a healthy human body looks like and you will participate in your first autopsy experience. At the end of your first year you will be involved in patient care as part of a summer nursing practice where you will learn many useful basic skills that you will use throughout your career.

As you begin your studies, it is a good idea to get a scalpel and forceps for anatomical autopsies as early as the first week, as well as a padlock that will be needed to close your cabinets. You can also buy all of this at the ground floor medical instrument store in NET building. You can also buy a significant part of the textbooks in the shop of Semmelweis Publishing on the NET or in the bookstore of Medicina Publisher opposite the Semmelweis Clinics metro stop, based on the first week’s suggestion of your practice leaders.

In the preclinical module, i.e. in your third year, you will start building on the already acquired knowledge of the healthy human body by detailing all pathological disorders. This year, you will also learn the basics of pharmacological treatment of diseases. In the summer following the third year, you will have the opportunity to transfer the acquired theoretical knowledge to clinical practice within the framework of the summer practice of internal medicine.

The clinical module will be completely different from the previous two, as you will spend most of your days by the bedside at one of our university clinics. This module will provide an opportunity to acquire practicing medical competencies. The structure of the system will also change, as by then you will have to study the subjects in a blocked way, i.e. you will only take part in the lectures and exercises of a given subject in a turn, at the end of which you will pass the exam. This is followed by the next clinical subject appropriate to the group schedule, thus guiding you through clinical medicine. After the quarter, there will be a summer internship in surgery, which is essentially the last summer internship within the university training. The sixth, and final year differs from the other two years of the clinical module in that by then you will only take practical blocks, at the end of which you will complete your studies with final examinations, and then proceed with the state exam in your chosen profession.

Best regards,

BÉNYI Botond Boldizsár
head of faculty
Students’ Union

Information for freshers

Information for freshers