Faculty of Health Sciences
Dean | Dr. Dörnyei Gabriella

Official Facebook group for the first year students can be found HERE.

The second largest faculty of Semmelweis University, where more than 3,000 students study in Hungarian and English, is the Faculty of Health Sciences. Thanks to the wide range of health sciences, the diversity of our faculty is very unique in the university. In many specializations and forms of training, applicants interested in the faculty can expand their knowledge. In addition to bachelor’s degrees, master’s, vocational trainings, vocational-oriented trainings, group trainings and PhD courses serve to satisfy the desire for continuous learning and development in students. The building on Vas Street, Erkel Street and Szentkirályi Street are homes to health sciences students with demanding surroundings and state-of-the-art equipment.

When starting your studies, it is worth getting a white coat as soon as possible, as it will be indispensable for your practical lessons. All students of the given specialization (e.g. physiotherapist) participate in the theoretical lectures together, but in the practical classes you can pick up the knowledge with students of the same year, who are divided into smaller groups called “Tankörök/Study-circles”. The Neptun system will work as a map that highlights, which „Educational circle” has classes when, where and with whom.

Education begins in the faculty with the foundation subjects in all specializations in the first and second years. In the second half of the initial training, the material and knowledge of the specialization-specific subjects will be presented and acquired. In the first semester, students take up very similar subjects with only minor differences, which are summed up as “basic health science subjects” and which form a solid basis for becoming a suitable professional in your own specialization as the years go by. From the second semester you will come along more and more specialization-specific subjects, and will be able to immerse yourself in the beauties and the unique magical challenges of the chosen profession. The Vas Street building has modern and well-equipped simulation tools for midwives, nurses, health visitors and paramedics, and also offers physiotherapists gymnasia and training rooms with a wide range of equipment. Dietitian students imbibe essential tricks for their profession in so called „Study kitchens”. The building on Erkel Street is an educational area for all.

The Department of Studies is located immediately to the left when entering the building on Vas Street, in the spacious corridors of the aula. Each specialization will be assigned to its own study administrator, who will help you answer your questions in connection with the studies. You can buy the mandatory and recommended literature compiled by the instructors/teachers in the notes shop in the basement of the building.

During your studies, never hesitate to ask any questions and feel free to contact the Students’ Union of Semmelweis University, whose office you will find in the basement of the building located on the Vas Street opposite the dining room. In addition, some books of the „Medicina Publisher” may be useful to you throughout the years.

We wish all of our dear freshmen, years of university rich in experience and knowledge!


head of faculty
Students’ Union

Information for freshers

Information for freshers