Faculty of Health and Public Administration
Dean | Dr. Szócska Miklós

One of the “youngest” faculties of our university, which operates with close ties to three institutes. The Health Management Training Centre, the Institute of Mental Hygiene and the Institute of Digital Health Sciences, which belong to the above mentioned unit.

The orientation of the Faculty of Public Health can mean both science and social science orientation. During the basic training students become acquainted with medical and computer science specialties, which are supplemented by terminological language, legal, ethical, management, financial and economic knowledge.

The faculty is characterized by diversity, which is strongly manifested in education. In addition to the lecturers of Semmelweis University, both lecturers of the Óbuda University and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics hold lessons. This line-up is the perfect basis for mastering knowledge.

The basic training of the health organizer is seven semesters. At first, the practical lessons take place in two groups, while the theoretical lessons are combined in a “block”. In the first two semesters, the aim is to acquire a stable basic knowledge of IT and medicine, and later on the health aspects and applications of IT will be given greater emphasis, supplemented by continuous economics, management and mathematical knowledge. Over the years, everyone learns the same subjects, regardless of the field of health care they want to be in after graduation.

EKK instructors/teachers are usually experts in their profession, so it is easier and more authentic to pass on up-to-date and lifelike materials to students.

An important goal is that everyone receives the highest quality training during their university years.

In the sixth semester there is a shorter internship and in the seventh semester there is a longer internship in the curriculum, during which students can go to a health care facility or hospital.

After the bachelor’s degree, it is possible to apply for a master’s degree, either at the faculty or at another university, so there are plenty of options for further education in both health and other fields.

Smarties: Computer, computer, computer! Nowadays, it is quite difficult to live without a computer due to the great extent of digitalisation, but as an EKK student, a lap-top is much needed, since it is an indispensable accessory for IT lessons (which are present in a large enough number). In addition, there are plenty of online learning materials available, for which a well-functioning device is also a great help. In addition, a better calculator and mathematical table will be very useful.

Extra tip: Revising your math and IT skills will be of great help during the first semester and exam period.


MAGYAR Dániel Dávid
head of faculty
Students’ Union

Information for freshers

Information for freshers