Faculty of andrás pető
Dean | Dr. Tenk Miklósné Dr. Zsebe Andrea

The Pető András Faculty has been part of the Semmelweis University since the 1st of august 2017. This institute used to be an independent college until it became part of the university. The number of students is inferior to those of other faculties thus it has a cosy and welcoming atmosphere. It’s easy to build relationships not only with students but also with teachers. We’re in that lucky situation that our teachers know us by name.

In the freshmen’s camp the new PAK-students belong to one letter, the PAK-letter. Later the grade is divided to four smaller study groups (I/1, I/2, I/3, I/4). You’re going to visit some lectures with the whole grade but some courses are only for your group. You will visit the practical classes with another group that we will inform you about later on the website. You’ll get to know if you start your practical classes in kindergarten or school, but the previous years the first part of the ABC starts in kindergarten and the other half in school then they switch at the beginning of the new semester.

While managing your study issues, the Tanulmányi és Hallgatói Központ, Karrieriroda (Education and Students’ Centre, THKK) are about to help you in duty time that you can check on the website and on the door of their office. You can find that on the ground floor of the B building on the Kútvölgyi road. Education is highly practical-oriented on this faculty. Students visit not only practical classes but also internship. Students start to study this way from the first semester so you can get really familiar with becoming a conductor. You’re going to spend every second week on the practical institutes, between these weeks you study the theoretical part. That’s the unique strategy of the Pető András Faculty, the shift of A and B weeks when the first week is practical and the second one is theoretical.

You will be together not only with the children you take care of during your practical classes but also with other conductors to work as a team. This way you must bring changing clothes – a pair of slippers or trainers, comfortable trousers (not tight, if possible) and a (not widely cut) T-shirt. Before starting the practice a medical examination is obligatory where you have to bring some diagnostic reports. You can get more information on the website and please, take the deadlines seriously!

On the campus of the Kútvölgyi road there is a library on the 1st floor of building A. Here you find every book that might be important and it’s also a proper place to study. It’s worthy to join in the first days so you can get familiar with the different services. The library offers printing possibilities as well. The modernization of our buildings has started last semester. The renovation of the Students’ room is also included where where you can study between your lectures or just chill with your firends. This room can be found in the B building of the Kútvölgyi road, on the gound floor next to the THKK office.

We hope you find this guide useful! In case you have more questions feel free to contact us. See you in the freshmen’s camp!

Kindest regards,

VAS Eszter
head of faculty
Students’ Union

Information for freshers

Information for freshers