Textbooks are our most loyal aids and even our sleeping buddies during the exam period throughout our university years. Everyone has their own preference when it comes to studying. Some people like to paint their own books in color with text highlighting, some like to add their own notes at the edge of the page. Others just use their laptop or tablet and learn from e-books. And there are those who like to “inherit” books from seniors. Fortunately, the opportunities at our university provide a solution for everyone to facilitate learning. Your practice leaders, and seniors will be of great help in purchasing textbooks, but nonetheless we’ve gathered some useful information about the most important places you can get your books from.
Medicina Kiadó (Medicina Publisher)
– on Üllői út, at the Semmelweis Klinikak metro station
(1091 Budapest, Üllői út 91./A)
Opening Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 09:00 to 17:30
Friday: 09:00 to 15:30
– on Baross Street, next to the FOCI (Faculty of Dentistry) building
(1088 Budapest, Baross u. 21.)
Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday: 08:30 to 17:00
Friday: 09:00 to 15:30
The books can also be obtained online in e-book form. The textbooks are organised by subjects in store and online. In addition, lifestyle books, professional journals and works of fiction can also be found in shops and on the website.
Website: https://www.medicina-kiado.hu
Semmelweis Publishing’s sample stores is Legendus Bookstores in NET building
The books can be obtained in person at sample stores or by ordering online, by email or even by phone. The Legendus Bookstore not only sells books from Semmelweis, but even a set of scalpels can be obtained from there.
1089 Budapest, Nagyvárad tér 4., Aula (Semmelweis University tower building / NET)
Phone: 210-4408, extension 459-1500 / 56353
E-mail: info@semmelweiskiado.hu
Opening Hours:
Monday to Wednesday: 09:00 to 16:00
Thursday 9:00 to 18:00
Friday: 09:00 to 14:00
Website: https://www.semmelweiskiado.hu
Beside book stores you can always buy used, second hand books. They are environmentally friendly and often come with useful notes and tips.
SOTE Piac (Market) Facebook Group
The Facebook group, which now has nearly 8,000 people, is a great option if one is not reluctant to learn from used books. However, this market is not only the surface for advertising books, but also various sublets and health job opportunities are advertised.
Book Sale
At the beginning of each school year, the Book Sale will be held in September in the Basic Medical Science Center (EOK), where you can buy used books or, after a successful exam, you can empty your shelves by selling your books.