Oktatónk, Dr. Horváth András elnyerte a Grey Walter kutatói díjat, amelyet klinikai idegélettan
területén 40 év alatti kutatók kaphatnak meg (az értesítés szövegét csatoltam). Ez az International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology díja; az adott évben a Clinical Neurophysiology folyóiratban megjelent legfontosabbnak ítélt kutatást jutalmazza.

Az értesítés szövege:
„It is my great pleasure to let you know that you are the winner of the 2021 Grey Walter Young Investigator Award of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, in acknowledgement of your outstanding paper “Subclinical epileptiform activity accelerates the progression of Alzheimer’s disease: A long-term EEG study”. The work addresses a very important question. The paper was already highlighted by an Editorial, and by my Editor’s Choice. You won the award out of a record number of 71 applications. All applications were carefully reviewed by the Associate Editors of Clinical Neurophysiology.”