MTA-PPKE-SE Neuro-Infobionika Research Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Semmelweis University Research Group)
Director: + Dr. Roska Tamás, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Professor
- Dr. Hámori József
- Dr. Négyessy László
- Dr. Takács József
- Dr. Vidnyánszky Zoltán
- Dr. Vig Julianna
- Dr. Borostyánkői-Baldauf Zsolt
- + Dr. Görcs Tamás
- + Dr. Lábos Elemér
- Dr. Páli Jenő
- Dr. Vastagh Csaba
- Árvai Antal
- Csáti Margit
- Magyar Tünde
- Szabó Zsuzsanna
Study of cerebellar plasticity in developing and mature nervous system, especially in experimental neuroanatomical methods. The aim is to clarify that the cerebellar learning mechanisms and the synaptic receptors their role in this adaptation of the motor system. Featured subject of studies in the mature nervous system cerebellar neurons induced differentiation opportunities.
Identification, Mapping and plasticity as well as the cerebral cortex and thalamus of two-way relationship. Examination of regeneration ability. First, somatosensory, and secondly on the visual system and its regions. appropriate thalamic nuclei and the prefrontal cortex thalamic connections of study. The objective we set out to identify those structures involved in synaptic relations transmitter receptor systems.
Visual System Functional anatomy and psychophysics. – The visual attention mechanisms of the visual system neural basis for learning and studying the interactions of the various sensory modalities. Methods: (a) – a non-invasive human studies (PET, fMRI) respectively. (b) – psycho-physical processes. We plan to continue the advanced computer vision systems (CNN) modeling as well.
Computer simulation and mathematical techniques to fundamental plasticity, synaptic and neural adaptive control are analyzed. The models of networks using the chaotic activity and analyzed regularity forms among chaotic neurons.