About Us
As a university clinic, besides preventing and treating diseases, we take a substantial part in all of the universíty’s classical “triple” role. There is gradual medical education at our clinic in three languages (Hungarian, English and German). We also take part in postgradual specialty training, preparing the applicants for basic and higher level specialty Board Exams, and we are also integrated into the School of PhD Studies.

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'title' => 'Address',
'inst_phone' =>
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'icon' => 'fa-phone',
'title' => 'Phone',
'inst_fax' =>
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'title' => 'Fax',
'inst_email' =>
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1122 Budapest, Városmajor utca 68.
1122 Budapest, Városmajor utca 68.
+36 1 458 6810
+36 1 458 6810
+36 1 458 6842, +36 1 458 6848
+36 1 458 6842, +36 1 458 6848