Date: 26-27 August 2020

Location: Basic Medical Science Center of Semmelweis University H-1094 Budapest, Tűzoltó utca 37-47.

Official language: English


Registration deadline: 14 August 2020


This conference focuses on the importance of physical activity and different pulmonary rehabilitation programs with new technologies in relation to new methological approaches in cardiopulmonary exercise tests. The discussion of the importance of circulation in terms of mechanical support and ECMO therapy and respiratory failure, oxygen supplementation are parts of the program. Pulmonary hypertension with different pathophysiological origin, targets and pulmonary hemodynamics during exercise are also in the focus of interest. Known successful research groups will present new experimental and clinical data. The scientific committee includes internationally-known speakers, leaders of the European Respiratory Society and European Society of Cardiology, post-leader of the American Thoracic Society, as well as Hungarian experts in specific fields.

We are waiting for Your participation to discuss these specific topics.

Budapest, 03/JUL/2020


 med. habil. Janos T. Varga MD, PhD



9:00 Prof. Richard Casaburi: The importance of physical activity in pulmonary rehabilitation

10:00 Prof. Janos Porszasz: New Methodological Approaches and Physiological Insights In Clinical Exercise Physiology

11:00 Dr. Frits Franssen: Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the selection of different modes of training modalities

12:00-13:00 Lunch break

13:00 Prof. Attila Somfay: The favourable effect of oxygen in pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD

14:00 Prof. Martijn Spruit: The effect of exercise training and acute exacerbations in COPD

15:00 Prof. György Losonczy: Respiratory failure in cardiopulmonary diseases

16:00 Dr. Janos Varga: Perioperative rehabilitation in connection with thoracic surgery



8:00 Prof. Bela Merkely: Mechanical circulation support: When need the right ventricule device?

9:00 Prof. Pierantonio Laveneziana: Intensity and quality of exertional dyspnoea in patients with stable pulmonary hypertension

10:00 Prof. Ferenc Petak: Cardiopulmonary interactions: relatonship between pulmonary hemodynamics and lung mechanics

11:00 Prof. Andrea Olschewski: Pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension – effect of COVID infection on pulmonary circulation

12:00 Dr. Kristóf Karlócai: Comparison of pulmonary hypertension due to arteriopathy with PH of left ventricular origin

12:00-13:00 Lunch break

13:00 Prof. Horst Olschewski: Pulmonary hypertension due to chronic lung disease

14:00 Dr. Gábor Kovács: Exercise pulmonary hypertension

15:00 Prof. Eduardo Bossone: Pulmonary hemodynamic response during exercise

16:00 Dr. Jeno Elek: The importance of ECMO in cardiopulmonary diseases


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