We are pleased to inform you that UCL (Université catholique de Louvain) and two partner institutions (Université Saint-Louis and Université de Namur) also based in Belgium just signed a second COFUND project called “MOV E-IN LOUVAIN”, co-financed by the Marie Curie Actions of the European Union.
This new project, which is targeted at incoming researchers, aims at reinforcing the international dimension of the three partner institutions by supporting highly-qualified postdocs from abroad. The scheme is based on a bottom-up approach as all research fields are eligible (Sciences and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Health Sciences). The ultimate ambition is to build scientific and technological (S&T) collaborations and long-lasting networks between the respective research teams.
This programme is not just the continuation of the previous one (called IPoD) but it also adds major improvements in particular a higher budget, a longer duration and better employment conditions with the addition of travel allowance.
The first call will be published on the 1st of October 2014.
For more information on the call, requirements and conditions please contact :
UCL (as coordinator of the project): sara.wilmet@uclouvain.be – www.uclouvain.be
UNamur: www.unamur.be
USaint-Louis: www.fusl.ac.be