Semmelweis video library

In essence, the Semmelweis video database project has the goal to provide a straightforward platform where you can create and upload videos and share them accordingly.

A key aspect is for this to be compatible with the Moodle system. This would greatly help other educational activities, for the uploaded teaching materials and homework projects would supplement almost all courses.  

 What will be made available (among others):

  • Multiple replays of a lecture, perhaps even from past years. By this, you may be able to save time by not having to recreate supplementary materials;
  • The sharing of pre-made lectures, or timed sharing of these videos;
  • Topic summaries, preparation of catch-up/ replacement lectures;
  • Easy access to homework projects made by students; 
  • Question and repetition opportunities during a lecture, which will promote attention;
  • Statistical data which will show how many individuals followed the lecture or when the left;
  • Viewing of substantial university-wide events and informative reports;
  • Protection from unauthorized individuals, also for the sake of legal rights  
  • Only those can access to content, with whom the educator/ creator has shared it (students of the given subject);
  • Question opportunities during a lecture, even when re-watching one;
  • Simplified lecture rating.

If we consider the world’s greatest universities, then in comparison, Semmelweis University does not have a well-structured, online education database. Meanwhile, the digitalization we had to adapt to lately showed constant improvement in our database. This video database can be expanded with many suitable programs (Kaltura, Microsoft Stream, etc.) These applications go beyond simple video technologies and allow Semmelweis University to create its database and improve the quality of education. Students and educators will equally benefit from this, for it gives a way to access and deliver necessary course material.