The Electoral Representative examined the applications received for the 2020 Delegate Assembly election. Based on the provisions of the HÖK Charter, she made the following decision.


Has submitted an application in accordance with the call and the HÖK Charter, so the following students registered as candidates for the election of the Assembly of the Delegates:

Aldubai-Mohamed Moád
Amirreza Alijanpourotaghsara
Artner Anna
Besenczi Benedek
Gecsey Réka Csenge
Keskeny György Árpád
Kreuter Patrik Krisztián
Lumniczky Zalán
Maria Veloudo Mitropoulou
Móri Szabolcs
Német Dorottya
Palotás Lőrinc
Shayan Salehi Hajivandi
Stubnya János Domonkos
Tolvaj Máté
Völcsei Norbert
Winklerné Papp Anni Juliánna

 Has not submitted an appropriate application, therefore the following student is not registered as a candidate in the election of the Assembly of the Delegates:

Magyar Kristóf (As specified in Section 4 (3) of the Election Rules, it is necessary to fill in the header of the recommendation form. The student has missed this, so his application is not acceptable.)


Legal remedies:
Pursuant to Article 21 of the Electoral Rules, an appeal may be lodged against this decision. The appeal, the reasons and the evidence supporting the application may be submitted in person at the Student Office to the SE HÖK Secretary by 3:00 pm on the 3rd working day following the publication of the decision (18th November 2020). Public disclosure of the candidate through the NEPTUN System or the HÖK website is considered publication. In the absence of an appeal, the decision shall become final upon expiry of the time limit.
The deadline for appeals is 18th November 2020 at 15:00.
Office check-in time is 8 a.m.-3 p.m. on working days.


The voting period shall be at least 5 working days. The voting period shall begin no earlier than on the 8th day after the end of the nomination period, and no later than on the 10th day thereafter, on which date the last registration decision has become final. The Election Representative shall determine the beginning of the voting period no later than on the 2nd working day following the day on which the last decision on registration has become final.


If you have any questions regarding the election, please feel free to contact the Election Representative or the Secretary at the e-mail address