Are you confident English speaker? Would you like to gain international experiences?

If you are interested in managing projects, research and you are open to seek knowledge in a foreign country, then this project is for You!

Semmelweis University and it’s students are on the verge of a huge opportunity to show what we are made of before the European stage, because the EUniWell has been launched!

EUniWell is a program uniting 7 universities which where carefully chosen by the European Commission’s Directorate of Education, Youth, Languages and Sport. The main goal is to maintain and to improve the human and social prosperity and to put it into a perspective.

The members of the project:

  • University of Leiden
  • University of Cologne
  • University of Florence
  • University Birmingham
  • University Nantes
  • University Linnaeus
  • Semmelweis University

To get to our goal, the member establishments will work aligned on the fields of organising, education and research. Both the managements and students will be required to cooperate during our shared projects in order to  meet the expectations that have been set to this union.

The Students’ Union believes that this program holds a strategic improtance, thus president Bálint Tripolszky  pointed Dominik Máté Bíró as presidential deputy, who’s duty is to recruit students and to coordinate the work at Semmelweis University.

Our university was honored to take it’s part from the work as the head of one of the seven main topics in the project.

The 7 main topics:

  1. Management and Coordination
  2. Education and Training
  3. Research and Education
  4. Society and Education
  5. Institutional Transformation
  6. Creating Identity
  7. Sustainability and Dissemination

Each project will run on different levels, on the level of the universities and on an international scale.

The primary language during the program is English, therefore it will be required from each participant.

How is it going to look like?

Students from Hungary and all the other countries will take part in each project in equal numbers. Everyone will get continous assistance and orientation regarding the tasks and expectations ahead. Firslty one must work in an international team, later on the team must present it’s results on a seminar and must cooperate with the teams from the other universities, and in the next phasis you must lay it in an international reasearch and practical project. As soon as the program reaches it’s proper phase and the pandemic easens, the attending students must pay a visit the universities mentioned to carry on with the work. All travel expences will be covered by the program.


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